• Komunikasi Politik dan Branding Melalui Media Sosial DPD Partai Demokrat Provinsi Riau
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)


    Abstract: This article is the result of a study that describes the strategy of the Democratic Party in Riau Province to carry out political communication and party branding through the use of social media. What types of social media do you use? and what kind of political message or content is presented and is considered attractive to the public. The theory used is a hypodermic needle with a descriptive qualitative approach. The result is that the DPD of the Democratic Party of Riau Province carries out political communication and party branding by utilizing the use of social media including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Tik Tok. Determining the use of social media by taking into account the level of use in the community, voter mapping and social media used on national issues. Political messages contained in the form of content that is interesting and persuasive, informative and critical of local government policies in particular. The content presented is built based on efforts to campaign for the vision and mission of the Democratic party


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  • Komunikasi Pemerintahan: Media Komunikasi Digital Melalui E-Government
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Komunikasi Pemerintahan: Media Komunikasi Digital Melalui E-Government

    Raja Widya Novchi, Eka Putra,  Khusnul Hanafi , Raja Arlizon


    Government communication is not only a means or a tool for the government to convey and or receive information about a public policy but also as a means of integrating activities in an organized manner in realizing cooperation. The issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 became the starting point for the implementation of E-Government in Indonesia. The Presidential Instruction emphasizes the importance of utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) in government organizations for effective and efficient governance. E-government is used as a reference used in government information systems (such as in wide area networks, the internet, and mobile communications) which have the ability to bridge relationships with other citizens, business people and various other government elements). The transformative side of e-government is that citizens can directly convey their aspirations to the government without having to be limited by space and time through the websites of various government institutions. The concept of e-government is indeed an effort by the government to facilitate government activities by utilizing advances in information technology.

    Keywords:E-Government, Digital Communication, Government Communication


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  • Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Go By Sher Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Penjualan Merchandise K-Pop Enhypen
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Dini Amelia Gustiani, Ikhma Zurani

    Abstract: The high sales of Enhypen merchandise is supported by good marketing from fans (Engene). One form of marketing that is well-known among k-pop is the group order system. The number of group orders is certainly a challenge for group order owners, therefore a good marketing communication strategy is needed when selling k-pop merchandise. One of the group orders that sells Enhypen k-pop merchandise is GO by Sher. This study aims to find out how GO by Sher's marketing communication strategy increases the number of sales of Enhypen k-pop merchandise.This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained were analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusions. The marketing communication strategy carried out by GO by Sher in increasing the number of sales of Enhypen k-pop merchandise by using the concept of marketing communication is marketing strategy with social media, word of mouth strategies, the merchandise strategy, and the personal selling strategy.

    Keywords: Marketing Communication, K-Pop Merchandise, Strategy


    Alzikri, N. (2021). Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran PT. Trio Elektronik Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Smartphone Merek Oppo di Kota Pekanbaru. JOM FISIP, 8, 1–15.

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    Ci, S. (2022). Enhypen Jadi Grup K-pop Tercepat yang Menyabet Label Million Seller dengan Dua Album. Yoursay.Id. https://yoursay.suara.com/entertainment/2022/07/12/103703/enhypen-jadi-grup-k-pop-tercepat-yang-menyabet-label-million-seller-dengan-dua-album diakses pada tanggal 01 Agustus 2022

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    Sabila, S. Z. (2020). Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Herbalife Dalam Mempertahankan Loyalitas Konsumen Di Pekanbaru. JOM FISIP, 7(1).

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    Zulfandi. (2020). Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Event Organizer Sumatera Satu Dalam Mempertahankan Loyalitas Klien Di Pekanbaru. JOM FISIP, 6.

  • Pengelolaan Kesan Juru Parkir Wanita di Kota Pekanbaru
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)


    This study aims to find out how to manage the impression of the front stage and back stage of female parking attendants in Pekabaru. This research uses qualitative research with dramaturgy approach. By using purposive techniques in determining informants. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate, when on the front stage the female parking attendant has communication to customers both verbally in the form of greetings, non-verbal can be seen from the signs and attributes used. And at the back stage, the real life of female parking attendants at home and at work is very different, where at work they play a role as parking attendants that are no different from male parking attendants who look strong and tough, but when they are at the parking attendant's house women have strong maternal instincts, it can be seen from their ability to balance between work and as housewives who are responsible for their children.



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    Maggie Humm. 2007. Ensiklopedia Feminisme, diterjemahkan oleh Mundi     Rahayu, Yogyakarta: Fajar Pustaka Baru,

    Sudjatmoko H. 2012. Peraturan Derah kabupaten Purbalingga No 4 Tahun 2012        tentang Penyelenggaraan parkir di tepi jalan umum dan retribusi pelayanan parkir di tepi         jalan umum. Bupati Purbalingga. Jawa          Tengah : Perda Kabupaten Purbalinggo

    Widodo, Suko. 2010. Anatomi dan Perkembangan Teori Sosial. Malang: Aditya     Media Publishing.

    Yusuf, M. 2017. Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif ,Kualitatif dan Penelitian Gabungan. Jakarta: Kencana 

    Zudianto H H. 2009. Peraturan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta No 18 Tahun 2009     Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perparkiran. Walikota Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta: Perda Kota Yogyakarta    

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  • Pengaruh Intensitas Menonton Channel Youtube Edukatif “Cocomelon“ Terhadap Pengenalan Alphabet Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Indonesian Creative School
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Abstract: The presence of educational content in the form of audiovisual or video which is very helpful for learning patterns for early childhood. This study aims to measure the effect of watching the Cocomelon Youtube Channel for a long time on the introduction of the early childhood alphabet in the Indonesian Creative School.The distribution of questionnaires and documentation served as the main means of data collection for this quantitative study. At such a young age, 55 participants became respondents in this study who filled out the questionnaire accompanied by their parents. Researchers use SPSS for windows and the application of using linear regression as a strategy. The research leads to the discovery of a new variable, X (intensity of watching) has a small effect on the Y variable (alphabet recognition), which is included in the low category at the coefficient interval of 27.5%.

    Keywords :Intensitity’s of watchin; alphabet ; Cocomelon



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  • Komunikasi Interpersonal Mediator dalam Proses Mediasi Perkara Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Pekanbaru
    Vol 2 No 2 (2)

    Linda Rahmi, Muhammad Firdaus

    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude of openness, empathy, support and positive attitude of the mediator in the mediation process of divorce cases at the Pekanbaru Religious Court. This research used descriptive qualitative method. By using two techniques, namely purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the openness shown by the mediator when listening to the litigants tell all their complaints during the mediation process. Openness is also shown by litigants when they consciously and without coercion want to tell the mediator about the problems they are facing based on a sense of trust of the mediator. Empathy is shown by the mediator through changes in facial expressions according to the circumstances of the litigants and does not easily blame the litigants even though sometimes they are indeed guilty.


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  • Representasi Penolakan Pembangunan Destinasi Wisata Premium Taman Nasional Komodo Pada Cover Koran Tempo Tahun 2020-2021
    Vol 2 No 2 (2)

    Ariq Aflah Riadi, Belli Nasution 

    Abstract: The development of premium tourist destinations in Komodo National Park (TNK) has been controversial. Koran Tempo contains 4 covers related to the project. This study uses the semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. The purpose of this research is to find out how Sign, Object, interpretant and representation of rejection of the development of KNP premium tourist destinations are on the cover of the Tempo newspaper for 2020-2021. Using a qualitative approach and research object Tempo newspaper. The research subjects cover the 27th, 28th October 2020 and 4th August 2021 editions. The data collection techniques consisted of observation, interviews and literature study. Data analysis techniques by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data using triangulation. The results showed that Sign is a cover similar to the Jurassic Park film cover, the red carpet that trucks pass on the back of the Komodo dragon and the UNESCO memorial located at the gate. Objects are text and images on the cover. Interpretant is the interpretation of the reader who sees the 3 covers. The representation is the first cover, through an adaptation of the Jurassic Park film cover as a reference and reference. The second cover, through the use of the red carpet, is an innuendo for the privilege. The third cover, through the use of things related to the Jurassic Park film, such as the word Jurassic Park and a gate.

    Keywords: Cover of Tempo newspaper, Representation, semiotic, The development of Komodo National Park


    Eriyanto. (2011). Pengantar Metodologi untuk Penelitian Ilmu Komunikasi dan  Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Lainnya, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.

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    Rakhmawati, Y. (2019). Metode Penelitian Komunikasi. Surabaya: CV Putra  Media Nusantara

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  • Terpaan Media Sosial Instagram Akun @Pemol.id Terhadap Minat Followers Menggunakan Aplikasi PEMOL (Pemulung Online) Di Kota Pekanbaru
    Vol 1 No 1 (2022)


    Abstract: This study aims to determine how big the influence of social media exposure on Instagram account @Pemol.id on the interest of followers using the Pemol application (Online scavengers) in Pekanbaru City. This study uses an explanative quantitative research method with a simple random sampling technique and uses the Slovin formula to get a total of 100 respondents. The questionnaire is distributed in the form of a google form. The data analysis technique used simple linear regression and coefficient of determination (R²). Researchers analyzed the data using the SPSS for windows version 24 application. Based on the results of a simple linear regression analysis, the coefficient value in this study was Y = 15.333 + 0.741 X. The constant number (a) was 15.333 and the variable coefficient X was 0.741. Meanwhile, the t-count is 11,357 which is bigger than the ttable of 1.664. Where Hₒ is rejected and Hₐ is accepted with a significance of 0.05, it can be said that there is an influence between exposures to social media Instagram @Pemol.id on followers' interest in using the Pemol application (Online Scavengers) in Pekanbaru City is in the medium category.

    Keywords: Exposure, Instagram, The Pemol Application.




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  • Jurnal KomunikasiMu
    Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
  • Strategi Komunikasi Dosen dalam Menerapkan Pembelajaran Daring pada Mahasiswa Saat Pandemi Covid-19
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Anita Pronika, Hari Jummaulana

    Komunikasi berasal dari Bahasa latin yaitu communis dimana artinya sama. Komunikasi dapat terjadi jika ada
    kesamaan antara orang yang menerima pesan dan kesamaan penyampaian pesan itu sendiri. Secara umum,
    komunikasi manusia dapat digambarkan dalam bentuk bahasa isyarat, ucapan, tulisan, gerakan, penyiaran serta dapat berupa interaktif, transaktif, terarah, hingga tanpa tujuan. Dengan melakukan komunikasi, perasaan seseorang maupun kelompok dapat di pahami oleh pihak lain termasuk memahami sikap. Tujuan komunikasi adalah mengubah sikap, pendapat, perilaku, dan sosial. Dimana pada hakikatnya, bentuk komunikasi memiliki tujuan menyampaikan informasi agar dapat dipahami oleh komunikan. Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perubahan yang signifikan dalam segala aspek kehidupan tidak terkecuali dari sektor Pendidikan. Terjadinya pembatasan jarak dilakukan guna menekan penyebaran virus menjadi alasan utama dilaksanakannya perkuliahan daring. Dengan perubahan ini membuat dosen harus menyesuaikan metode pembelajaran dengan menggunakan daring agar proses perkuliahan dapat berjalan dengan baik di masa pandemi covid-19. Konsep utama yang digunakan kepada mahasiswa adalah media baru, komunikasi Pendidikan, strategi komunikasi dan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh. Konsep utama yang digunakan adalah strategi komunikasi, media baru, komunikasi pendidikan, dan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Dosen sebagai pendidik, menghadapi pendemi covid-19, harus memiliki strategi pembelajaran online yang tepat, agarpengajaran terhadap mahasiswa dapat tersampaikan dengan efektif.


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    Mastuhu, 2007. “Sistem Pendidikan Nasional”. Ciputat:Lentera Hati, cet. I.
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    Zubaidi, 2011. “Desain Pendidikan Karakter Konsepsi dan Aplikasinya dalam
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  • Polarisasi Millennial Trend pada Personal Branding Aktor Politik di Indonesia: Urgensi dan Perkembangannya
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Ulmi Marsya, Johan Faladhin

    Abstract: This article discusses the dynamics of the contemporary political world that is always required to be able to keep up with this age. The emergence of new media such as social media that offers an interactive form of communication between political leaders with the wider community. The distribution of messages both text and images presented in new media forms a different political culture among today's political elite. The millennial trend be one of pattern political branding formation on political actor as actualization political persona differentiation. The method used in this article is a literature study, to mapping out the personal branding of political actors. Such as Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, Ridwan Kamil, and Sandiaga Uno. The four political actors are actively building values, opinions and communication channels, in using social media as a medium for their interaction with society.  There are several millennial criteria what they show is trendy, sporty, humorist, and passionate. But still have not forgotten at the root of the local culture.

    Keywords: Millennial Trend, Personal Branding, Political Actor , Political Branding


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    Elya, I & Zulaeha, I. (2017). Model Komunikasi Politik Ridwan Kamil di Media Sosial Instagram. DIALEKTIKA. 4 (2). 205-229.

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    Rahardjo, T. (2011) Komunikasi 2.0 :Teoritisasi dan Implikasi. Yogyakarta: ASPIKOM.

    Rahmah, S. (2021). Personal Branding Ganjar Pranowo untuk Membangun Komunikasi Politik di Media Sosial Instagram. Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi. 5 (1), 94-101.

    Santi, F. Basit, Abdul.,& Muljadi. (2019). Sandiaga Uno’s Personal Branding in the Midst of Indonesian Millenial Generation. Advance in Social Science, Education and Humanities. International Conference of Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA): Altantis Press. 263-266. 

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    Strömbäck, Jesper & Kiousis. (2011).  Political Public Relations, Principles and Application’s. New York: Routledge.

    Suryawati, I. (2021). Political Branding Gubernur Indonesia Melalui Media Sosial. MEDIALOG: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 4 (2), 23-38.

    Universal, M. (2008). Power To The People Social Media Tracker: Wave 3, New York: Universal McCann.

    https://metro.tempo.co/read/1605449/anies-baswedan-45-persen-penonton-formula-e-jakarta-generasi-milenial, diakses pada tanggal 20 Juni 2022

  • Representasi Kemiskinan dalam Film Parasite Karya Bong Joon-Ho dan Film The White Tiger Karya Ramin Bahrani
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Mitra Yani , Belli Nasution

    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation and the myth of poverty that is shown in the film Parasite and the film The White Tiger through scene pieces from the two films. The research method used is a qualitative research method with the semiotic analysis technique of Roland Barthes. Data collection techniques used are observation and documentation, with data validity triangulation techniques. The results showed that the scenes in the film Parasite and the film The White Tiger represent structural poverty which is seen directly from the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth. Structural poverty is poverty experienced by a group of people due to the prevailing social structure in the community that does not allow that group to be able to enjoy the sources of income that are actually available to that group. This is also clarified by the Social Democratic Theory, which views poverty as not coming from individual problems but from structural problems.

    Keywords: Parasite, Poverty, Semiotics, The White Tiger.



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  • Makna Simbolik Tradisi Fanika Era-Era Mbowo dalam Acara Adat Pernikahan Etnik Nias Di Pulau Nias
    Vol 1 No 1 (2022)


    Fanika era-era mbowo is a tradition  Nias ethnic  in Nias  weddings. The goal is to calculate the dowry, family lineage and clan what cua (grandfather), gawe (grandmother), talifuso cua (grandfather's brother), talifuso gawe (grandmother's brother), talifuso ama (father's brother), talifuso ina (mother's brother), sibaya (uncle), ina sa'a (uncle's wife) and giving advice to the groom. The purpose of this study is to find out the process of implementing the fanika era-era mbowo tradition and how the symbolic meaning of the fanika era-era mbowo  tradition in Nias ethnic weddings is. This study uses a qualitative research method with a symbolic interaction theory approach. The object of research from the tradition fanika era-era mbowo, the research subjects consist of five people, namely the traditional head, traditional leaders, brides and the community.Techniques for collecting data are interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the fanika tradition of the mbowo era had several stages, namely mborota mbowo, ngaoto, and mene-mene with stages starting from calling the guest village head and sipangkalan village head to the bride's uncle, followed by the first discussion of mborota mbowo then ngaoto and mene-mene. by using coconut leaves that are cut based on the number of discussions that have been passed. This tradition has a meaning contained in every symbol and interaction used by families who carry out the tradition of the fanika era-era mbowo. The main meaning of this tradition is to introduce who the bride's relatives are to the groom's family.


    Fanika Era-era Mbowo, Tradition, Symbolic Meaning, Stages, Nias Ethnic


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