Ariq Aflah Riadi, Belli Nasution 

Abstract: The development of premium tourist destinations in Komodo National Park (TNK) has been controversial. Koran Tempo contains 4 covers related to the project. This study uses the semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. The purpose of this research is to find out how Sign, Object, interpretant and representation of rejection of the development of KNP premium tourist destinations are on the cover of the Tempo newspaper for 2020-2021. Using a qualitative approach and research object Tempo newspaper. The research subjects cover the 27th, 28th October 2020 and 4th August 2021 editions. The data collection techniques consisted of observation, interviews and literature study. Data analysis techniques by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data using triangulation. The results showed that Sign is a cover similar to the Jurassic Park film cover, the red carpet that trucks pass on the back of the Komodo dragon and the UNESCO memorial located at the gate. Objects are text and images on the cover. Interpretant is the interpretation of the reader who sees the 3 covers. The representation is the first cover, through an adaptation of the Jurassic Park film cover as a reference and reference. The second cover, through the use of the red carpet, is an innuendo for the privilege. The third cover, through the use of things related to the Jurassic Park film, such as the word Jurassic Park and a gate.

Keywords: Cover of Tempo newspaper, Representation, semiotic, The development of Komodo National Park


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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