Linda Rahmi, Muhammad Firdaus

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude of openness, empathy, support and positive attitude of the mediator in the mediation process of divorce cases at the Pekanbaru Religious Court. This research used descriptive qualitative method. By using two techniques, namely purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the openness shown by the mediator when listening to the litigants tell all their complaints during the mediation process. Openness is also shown by litigants when they consciously and without coercion want to tell the mediator about the problems they are facing based on a sense of trust of the mediator. Empathy is shown by the mediator through changes in facial expressions according to the circumstances of the litigants and does not easily blame the litigants even though sometimes they are indeed guilty.


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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