Karakterisasi Papan Gipsum Dengan Penambahan Polimer EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)

  • Delovita Ginting Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau


Gypsum is a composite material product that is used as a building material and is commonly used as building partitions, ceilings, bulkheads, and room accessories. However, gypsum also has a weakness in terms of ductility and is not waterproof. EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) is a polymer that transforms with an environmentally friendly waterproof mortar. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of making gypsum board with the addition of EVA to determine the effect of EVA polymer on gypsum board. The gypsum and EVA ratio variables used were GPC (100% : 0%) and GPEVA (88% : 12%). The procedure used in this experiment is sample testing, namely density test, water content test, water absorption test, and flexural strength test. Gypsum board composite by adding EVA to the density test, the density value of the GPC sample was 1.28 g/cm³, while the GPEVA sample (88%: 12%) was 1.27 g/cm. To test the water content and water absorption for the GPC sample, it was 5.5% and 62.5%, while for the GPEVA sample the values ​​were 4.7% and 14.5%, respectively. For the flexible strength test the control has a value of 1.3 N/mm² on the sample; GPEVA has a value of 0.95 N/mm². The addition of 12% EVA in the manufacture of gypsum board effectively increases the ability of gypsum to hold water by 76.75%..


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How to Cite
Ginting, D. (2023). Karakterisasi Papan Gipsum Dengan Penambahan Polimer EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) . Photon: Jurnal Sain Dan Kesehatan, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.37859/jp.v13i1.4061
Physics Sciences
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