• Sarah Fitria Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPAdanKesehatan, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • - Jumiati Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
  • Nova Yulita Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
Keywords: Gymnastics Reproductive health, pandemic, physical fitness


Anemia in female adolescent is a reproductive health problem. The main contributing factors are blood loss every month. Another  has impact of adolescent girls who experience anemia are: decreased endurance, learning achievement and physical fitness. Especially during the pandemic, after being vaccinated, the physical condition must remain healthy. Reproductive health exercises are believed to be good physical activity choices, especially for female adolescents to deal with anemia problems.This study was to prove the implementation of reproductive health exercise on the hemoglobin levels and physical fitness of female adolescents. This study used 30 respondents as research subjects divided into 15 as intervention groups and 15 as control groups. The intervention group was given reproductive health exercises and Fe tablets for 4 weeks with a duration of 18 minutes 3 times a week. The control group was given Fe Tablets. Physical fitness collection are namely before and after treatment. The average increase in physical fitness from 118,87 x/minutes to 95,87 x/minutes with an increase of 23 x/minutes, by statistical test there was a significant difference in p-value <0.05. This study proves that the implementation of reproductive health exercise has an effect on the physical fitness of female adolescents.


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