
Fanika era-era mbowo is a tradition  Nias ethnic  in Nias  weddings. The goal is to calculate the dowry, family lineage and clan what cua (grandfather), gawe (grandmother), talifuso cua (grandfather's brother), talifuso gawe (grandmother's brother), talifuso ama (father's brother), talifuso ina (mother's brother), sibaya (uncle), ina sa'a (uncle's wife) and giving advice to the groom. The purpose of this study is to find out the process of implementing the fanika era-era mbowo tradition and how the symbolic meaning of the fanika era-era mbowo  tradition in Nias ethnic weddings is. This study uses a qualitative research method with a symbolic interaction theory approach. The object of research from the tradition fanika era-era mbowo, the research subjects consist of five people, namely the traditional head, traditional leaders, brides and the community.Techniques for collecting data are interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the fanika tradition of the mbowo era had several stages, namely mborota mbowo, ngaoto, and mene-mene with stages starting from calling the guest village head and sipangkalan village head to the bride's uncle, followed by the first discussion of mborota mbowo then ngaoto and mene-mene. by using coconut leaves that are cut based on the number of discussions that have been passed. This tradition has a meaning contained in every symbol and interaction used by families who carry out the tradition of the fanika era-era mbowo. The main meaning of this tradition is to introduce who the bride's relatives are to the groom's family.


Fanika Era-era Mbowo, Tradition, Symbolic Meaning, Stages, Nias Ethnic


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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