Komunikasi Pemerintahan: Media Komunikasi Digital Melalui E-Government

Raja Widya Novchi, Eka Putra,  Khusnul Hanafi , Raja Arlizon


Government communication is not only a means or a tool for the government to convey and or receive information about a public policy but also as a means of integrating activities in an organized manner in realizing cooperation. The issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 became the starting point for the implementation of E-Government in Indonesia. The Presidential Instruction emphasizes the importance of utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) in government organizations for effective and efficient governance. E-government is used as a reference used in government information systems (such as in wide area networks, the internet, and mobile communications) which have the ability to bridge relationships with other citizens, business people and various other government elements). The transformative side of e-government is that citizens can directly convey their aspirations to the government without having to be limited by space and time through the websites of various government institutions. The concept of e-government is indeed an effort by the government to facilitate government activities by utilizing advances in information technology.

Keywords:E-Government, Digital Communication, Government Communication


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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