
Abstract: This article is the result of a study that describes the strategy of the Democratic Party in Riau Province to carry out political communication and party branding through the use of social media. What types of social media do you use? and what kind of political message or content is presented and is considered attractive to the public. The theory used is a hypodermic needle with a descriptive qualitative approach. The result is that the DPD of the Democratic Party of Riau Province carries out political communication and party branding by utilizing the use of social media including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Tik Tok. Determining the use of social media by taking into account the level of use in the community, voter mapping and social media used on national issues. Political messages contained in the form of content that is interesting and persuasive, informative and critical of local government policies in particular. The content presented is built based on efforts to campaign for the vision and mission of the Democratic party


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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