Ulmi Marsya, Johan Faladhin

Abstract: This article discusses the dynamics of the contemporary political world that is always required to be able to keep up with this age. The emergence of new media such as social media that offers an interactive form of communication between political leaders with the wider community. The distribution of messages both text and images presented in new media forms a different political culture among today's political elite. The millennial trend be one of pattern political branding formation on political actor as actualization political persona differentiation. The method used in this article is a literature study, to mapping out the personal branding of political actors. Such as Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, Ridwan Kamil, and Sandiaga Uno. The four political actors are actively building values, opinions and communication channels, in using social media as a medium for their interaction with society.  There are several millennial criteria what they show is trendy, sporty, humorist, and passionate. But still have not forgotten at the root of the local culture.

Keywords: Millennial Trend, Personal Branding, Political Actor , Political Branding


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Diterbitkan: 2022-07-31

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