Sistem otomatisasi pada tanaman hidroponik deep flow technique menggunakan IoT berbasis web

  • Usnul Latipah Universitas Nusa Putra
  • Dwi Sartika Simatupang Universitas Nusa Putra
  • Hermanto Universitas Nusa Putra
Keywords: Hydroponics, Spinach, Deep Flow Technique, Internet of Things


Hydroponics is a farming method that does not use soil as a place to grow plants, but instead uses water that contains the nutrients needed by plants. One of the plants that can be cultivated using hydroponic techniques is spinach. The disadvantage of applying this technique is that it requires precision, patience, and continuous monitoring. To overcome this problem, you can take advantage of technological advances that have developed. Currently there are many systems that are capable of processing and doing human work that is done manually to make it easier, faster and more accurate both in terms of time and effort. So a spinach cultivation system was built on Deep Flow Technique hydroponics based on the Internet of Things. This study uses a prototype system development method that is designed using several components, namely Arduino Uno as the system control center, pH sensor as nutrient pH input, TDS sensor as nutrient concentration input, and ultrasonic sensor as water level input. The results of this study are systems that can monitor, automate and control the provision of nutrients to hydroponic plants. Information about plants will be sent via the website, so that it can make it easier to check the condition of the plants.


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How to Cite
Usnul Latipah, Dwi Sartika Simatupang, & Hermanto. (2023). Sistem otomatisasi pada tanaman hidroponik deep flow technique menggunakan IoT berbasis web. Jurnal CoSciTech (Computer Science and Information Technology), 4(2), 322-331.
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