Implementation of the haversine method for monitoring sales visits based on Android

  • Imam Anugrah Adha STMIK Amik Riau
Keywords: haversine, monitoring, android


This study aims to determine where the sales are located. Why did I choose that title, namely so that the manager can monitor where and where the sales are offering the product or goods being offered. The problem with the title is that the manager doesn't know where the sales are, and also the manager can't monitor whether the sales are actually working or not. The solution offered in the title is at point one, namely so that the manager can monitor where and where the salesperson offers the product or item being offered. And the method used here is the Haversine method, and the expected results are that hopefully with this title it can make managers control and monitor the existence of these sales.


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How to Cite
Anugrah Adha, I. (2023). Implementation of the haversine method for monitoring sales visits based on Android. Jurnal CoSciTech (Computer Science and Information Technology), 4(2), 313-321.
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