• - Chairil Staf pengajar jurusan DIII Keperawatan FMIPA Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • - Novelia Jurusan DIII Keperawatan FMIPA Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Keywords: injection family planning, body weight


Background: Even though the community has great interest in injection contraceptives, it has several side effects including weight gain, menstrual pattern disorders, headaches and stomach discomfort. To determine the difference between the use of injectable contraceptives towards weight gain at the UPTD Puskesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. This type of research is an analytical observational study that explains the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. The analysis used is to find the relationship between knowledge and the research design used is cross-sectional, namely research to study the dynamics of the correlation between risk factors and effects, by approaching, observing or collecting data at the same time. The research that was conducted in February 2019 at the UPDT Pukesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru obtained the results of data analysis, the average age of the mother was 32.37 years (95% CI: 29.80-34.94), with a standard deviation of 6.499 years. . The youngest is 22 years old and the oldest is 49 years old. From the results of the interval estimation, it can be concluded that 95% is believed that the average age of the mother is between 29.80 and 34.94 years, most of the most dominant education of respondents is junior high school as much as 14 respondents (50.0%). Based on the work of private employee respondents as many as 23 respondents (82.1%), while civil servants got the results of 8 respondents (17.9%). Based on the results of the statistical test obtained P value 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between body weight before injection FP and body weight after injection KB. Conclusion: It is expected that family planning acceptors can consider various alternative contraceptives by comparing the side effects of longterm contraceptive use in the future.


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