An Error Analysis’s Students to Finding Solution From a Differential Equation

  • Nailul Himmi
  • Asmaul Husna


In solving the general solution of a
differential equation UNRIKA students common mistakes
made by students. This research is a quantitative
descriptive study conducted on 44 semester V students in
the 2018/2019 school year who took courses in differential
equations. The instrument used in the form of essay test
was 2 questions that were valid and reliable (r = 0.758).
From the results of the analysis, mistakes made in the
form of procedural errors, process errors and student
understanding errors. The more frequent error is a
process error, especially in algebraic processes in
determining the general solution of a problem of
differential equations. To that end, as educators, it should
often be reminded to be careful in doing calculations,
often repeat more varied material and provide contextual
modules so that the concept of the material can be
understood by students properly and correctly.


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