Utilization of Animation as Media Marketing Communication in Increasing Interest Visits To Tourism Destination of West Sumatera Province

  • Defhany Defhany Department of communication. University of Dharma Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra Provincy
  • Rahmadhona F. Helmi Department of communication. University of Dharma Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra Provincy


Abstrac.This study discusses the use of animation as a marketing communication medium in increasing the interest of visiting the tourist destinations of West Sumatra Province. The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation of the use of animation media conducted by the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy of West Sumatra Province. in increasing interest to visit the West Sumatra tourist destinations and describe the interest of tourists see the media animation marketing communication tourism. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with informant research determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The final result of this research is Tourism and Creative Economy of West Sumatera Province in promoting tourist destinations using various marketing communication media, one of them through animation media. Utilization of this animation is the right media in providing great opportunities in the promotion of West Sumatra tourist destinations, because the media animation is innovative, creative and interesting. Utilization of animation aims to provide information to introduce and promote tourist destinations for the level of visiting to various tourist destinations of West Sumatra increased. This animated communication media in the making is always innovate and creative in displaying animation that interesting and inspiring sense of like, and love for domestic and foreign tourists who see animation of West Sumatra tourist destinations.


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