Completion of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a Member of the Nagari Adat Density Pangkalan Pangkalan Koto Baru District, Fifty Cities District

  • Robert Libra, SH, MH & Zulkarnaen Noerdin, SH, MH
Keywords: Settlement of Customary Law, Nagari Customary Density


The background of this research is the circulation of the minutes of the formation of the Nagari Pangkalan customary density management on August 23, 2020 for the period from 2020 to 2025, which has become a polemic with many questions about this. The first is the position of chairman of the Nagari Customary Density which is held by Jhoni Himbiar Naim Dt Sibijayo. In the internal body of the Dt Sibijayo tribe there are divisions, Dt Sibijayo is recognized by the tribal nephews as two people. That means there is another Dt Sibijayo besides Jhoni Himbiar. Which Niniak mamak is recognized? Of course this is the question in this research. Niniak Mamak is a person who is appointed as a traditional commander by a tribe/tribe in a Nagari. On the other hand, based on West Sumatra Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari in article 6 states that in every Nagari a Nagari Customary Density is formed as the highest deliberation institution in the administration of Nagari Government . This research method is the type of this research is a sociological legal research .

The results of this study are the Completion of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a member of the Nagari Adat Density, the base of the sub-district of Pangkalan Koto Baru, the district of fifty cities based on the Regional Regulation of the Province of West Sumatra Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari in practice is not implemented, due to the fact that the Nagari Pangkalan Customary Court has not been established. , two niniak mamak stated that they were legitimate niniak mamak from the clan, the lack of understanding of Niniak Mamak Nagari about Adat . Furthermore, efforts to overcome it are in the Settlement of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a member of the Nagari Customary Density, the base of the sub-district of the new Koto Baru district, fifty cities based on the regional regulation of the Province of West Sumatra Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari . The Nagari Adat Density of Pangkalan should have formed the Nagari Customary Court, the position of niniak mamak should not be up for grabs because this is the burden borne by the niniak mamak in West Sumatra is very large, traditional leaders


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