Islamic Perspectives On Social Media Literacy

  • Nurmalina
  • Atmazaki
  • Syahrul, R.
  • Harris Effendi Thahar


In an age of media tightness, public wisdom
is needed in literating information. The necessity to
literate information is also taught in Islam so that
Muslims are able to filter the information received. This
research includes library research and uses descriptive
methods, namely discussing the Qur'anic verses relating
to literacy by referring to the opinions of commentators. :
1) social media is the biggest access content, 2) Islam
requires to titrate information 3), Islam forbids trusting
the fascists, and 4) accountability for every act in Islam.
In conclusion, Islamic teachings require every Ummah to
improve literacy skills. This is because literacy is
important to improve one's quality of life


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