Community Based Peat Land Management in Siak Regency The Riau Province of Indonesia

  • Dr. Febri Yuliani, M.Si University of Riau Indonesia


This peat land restoration program in Riau Province especially Siak Regency, there is activity plan as follow: (1) Rewetting Program, The rewetting activities consist of Construction of artesian wells, Canal development, Water management development (at a company), and Water management team building and training.(2) Revegetation Program, The revegetation program is a green activity area especially on burnt-out land, among others: Making of peatland village seedlings, Cultivating of seedlings from peatland villages, Making of horticultural crops, and Cultivating of horticultural crops. (3) Social Economic Revitalization Program covers: development of land fishery business, livestock development business, honey bee development business, ecotourism development of peatland, cultivation of natural plant, utilization and processing of sago pulp, mangrove crab cultivation, sustainable development of food house, development of peat moss care village. In the case of peatland restoration program, many stakeholders are involved from variety of interests to succeed peatland restoration program. The research method used qualitative method. The purpose this research is Community Based Peat land Management in Riau Province of Indonesia. The results this research (1) Peat land restoration program is an activity to restore degraded peat soil back to its original function. The effort of peat land restoration program is still a realization from the rewetting program, which is the construction of canal blocking. Meanwhile the revegetation program, the Peat Land Restoration Agency collaborate with social institution by assisting the society has done the planting of sago seedlings like natural wood. For the revegetation program, it has not been realized due to the massive implementation for peatland restoration program, (2) Community empowerment through grant / rolling assistance need to pay attention, among others are: (1). Types of economic commodities. The selection of the right type of economic commodity will greatly affect the success of economic activity. (2). Guidance and mentoring. (3). An example of success. Support from local government is generally given to groups that have demonstrated tangible success, so that the role of counselors to communicate with local government is urgently needed; (4). Motivators in groups. there is a motivator among group members. In the group that is considered successful, there is always one member of the group who gained success first and then provide motivation to other group members to move forward, (3) Strong village institutions and good village capacity will have a major impact on the progress of village development. Villages that have large natural resource potential without accompanying a good management model will certainly not have a major impact on the progress and welfare of their communities. To increase the participation of local communities in the management of natural resources, the role of village institutions is very important. Village institutional and village capacity building can be done through training and seminar activities, which can be a capital for village natural resource management


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