• Muhammad Ardhi Razaq Abqa Universitas Tidar
  • Arief Nur Huda Universitas Tidar
  • Nur Rahmawati Universitas Tidar
Keywords: Government Policy, Tourism, Pandemic


The spread of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has an impact on various sectors of life, especially the tourism sector. The Magelang Regency Government in this case has issued various policies based on the central government's policies in the context of handling Covid-19 in Magelang Regency and at the same time as policies that support the rise of the tourism sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the policies of the Magelang district government in increasing tourism potential during the pandemic. The research method uses the library method through a qualitative approach with reading materials in the form of scientific journals, papers and official websites related to the titles and variables that are the subject of writing. The Magelang Regency Government has prepared the feasibility of tourist destinations so that they do not become clusters of the spread of Covid-19. Tourist destinations that are allowed to open are only tourism that has received a CHSE certificate from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The Magelang Regency Government also held mass Covid- 19 vaccinations at tourist destinations. In addition, the Head of the Magelang Regency Youth and Sports Tourism Office  


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