Bahan Ajar Elektronik (E-Book) Kimia Umum II Berbasis Kontekstual Materi Larutan : Desain dan Pengembangan

  • Julia Mardhiya Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Keywords: electronic teaching material, contextual, solution


 This study aims to develop contextual General Chemistry II teaching materials on the subject of solutions. Teaching materials are developed by integrating media, laboratory experiments, and contextual application. The instruments are chemistry learning materials, questionnaires, pretest and posttest. Evaluation results from expert validators and student respondents show the teaching material is valid. Average results content feasibility 3.53; language feasibility 3,56; presentation feasibility 3.53; graphic feasibility 3.70. The final value of teaching material is 3.58 depending on the range 3.26 - 4.00. At the implementation stage with the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design, the student learning outcomes in the experimental class (M = 75.00) were higher than the student learning outcomes in the control class (M = 59.66). So that teaching material developed can be used for learning.


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