EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran <p><img src="/public/site/images/fauzanazimedu/Header_Eduteach_Oke.png" width="795" height="199"></p> <p>Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (EDUTEACH) adalah sebuah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Unit Pelaksana Praktik Kependidikan Terpadu (UP2KT) FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau. Jurnal Eduteach terdaftar pada PDII LIPI dengan Nomor ISSN <strong>2715-9779 (Online) dan 2715-9760 (Cetak).</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>Jurnal Eduteach dapat memfasilitasi para peneliti, mahasiswa, guru, dosen dan pemerhati pendidikan untuk dapat melakukan publikasi terhadap hasil penelitian maupun kajian ilmiah mereka dalam hal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Teknologi Pembelajaran. Fokus kajian dalam terbitan ilmiah ini adalah Hasil penelitian dalam bidang Perkembangan Ilmu Pendidikan, Metode Pembelajaran, Evaluasi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Teknologi Pembelajaran dari segala bidang studi serta jenjang Pendidikan. Jurnal Eduteach terbit setiap bulan <strong>Januari dan Juni</strong> setiap tahunnya.</p> <p>Mulai edisi Juni tahun 2023 Vol 4 No 2 Jurnal EduTeach sudah menggunakan Template jurnal yang terbaru yang dapat di Download di Link berikut : <strong><a href="">Download Template disini</a></strong></p> Unit Pelaksana Praktik Kependidikan Terpadu Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau en-US EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2715-9760 PEMBELAJARAN BIPA DI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA LEVEL 1: AKTIVITAS HARIAN <p><em>Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) is an educational process that focuses on teaching Indonesian to individuals who are not native speakers. This research uses a qualitative method in which the presentation and interpretation of data is structured based on descriptive form, which means that the results of this research are in the form of quotations and words. The aim of this writing is to improve your listening, speaking and sentence composing skills in Indonesian. Learning activities are designed to encourage active learners, enrich vocabulary, and understand the cultural context in everyday use of Indonesian. By utilizing technology and online media, it aims to facilitate interactive and interesting learning.</em><br>&nbsp;<br><br></p> Irma Irma Dwi Arianti Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 1 13 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6580 IMPLEMENTASI TEKNIK MENGAJAR BERBICARA: PENDEKATAN WAWANCARA PADA PEMBELAJAR BIPA MANDIRI (LEVEL 1) <p><em>&nbsp;</em><em>This research aims to evaluate the implementation of speaking teaching techniques using an interview approach to independent learners. Through interview techniques, this research focuses on developing learners' speaking skills by paying attention to Graduate Competency Standards (SKL). Data was collected through observation, interviews and analysis of audio recordings. The subject in this research is an independent learner where the subject of this research is the main informant. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by describing the importance of applying speaking teaching techniques using an interview approach. The results show that, although students are able to answer questions with adequate understanding, there is still a tendency to use English vocabulary and a low level of confidence in expressing ideas. Therefore, the implementation of interview techniques needs to be accompanied by additional learning strategies that overcome these shortcomings, such as strengthening vocabulary and developing self-confidence. This research provides important insights for improving the effectiveness of speaking teaching in the BIPA level 1 context.</em><br><br></p> Septiana Tanti Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 14 22 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6579 Design UI / Ux Design for Tutoring Applications (BIJAR) Using the Figma Model Design thinking <p>This study aims to test UI / UX design in the BIJAR application using figma model design thinking. In this study, the author designed an application system for of tutoring in Pekanbaru city regarding mapping the location of tutoring places. The results of this study show that UI / UX design on the BIJAR application using figma model design thinking for mapping the location of tutoring places in Pekanbaru city can help users, especially students. Tutoring serves to orient the students to the school, help the students to plan their education in high school, and help the students to get to know their respective interests and abilities, orienting the students towards the world of work, After designing a User Interface , it is tested using the SUS (System Usability Scale) and scores 80 points on the B grade scale, making the User Interface design suitable for application development.</p> Renita Rahmadani Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 23 32 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6613 IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA PADA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM <p><em>This paper aims to discuss the implementation of the free curriculum of learning in the subject of Islamic Religious Education in SMAN 1 Bukittinggi. Therefore the location in this study was SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using a field study approach. Data collection methods by means of observation and in -depth interviews conducted by the author of research information. Furthermore, the data obtained is analyzed with three stages namely, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi had implemented an independent curriculum learning independently in 2022/2023 including the subjects of Islamic Religious Education. Learning Islamic Religious Education consists of regular learning (intracuricular) carried out using a learning approach that is centered on students and perfected with the Pancasila Student Profile Project (Kokuricular). Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum Learning at SMAN 1 Bukittinggi certainly does not stop to the independent stage changes, but will also increase by implementing the Mandiri Sharing curriculum.</em></p> Zuqriva Hayati lian Ikhsan Iswantir Fauzan Azim Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 33 41 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6572 TRACER STUDY LULUSAN 2022 ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PROF. DR. HAMKA <p><em>&nbsp;</em><em>This research is the result of a tracer study survey of 2022 graduates of the Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. The results showed that 39% participated in filling out the tracer study, meaning that it did not reach the target set by 50%. Then, on the side where large graduates are large, there are 64% working in private companies, and the suitability of the field of science with work shows 58% (medium), 38% (high), and 4% (low). This marks most of the relevance between the field of science and the world of work. However, in terms of other aspects, 70% of practicums during college support jobs for 2022 graduates, and 21% (low)/does not support graduate employment. These tracer study output aspects can be a comprehensive evaluation; maximizing practicum, curriculum, and lecture aspects.</em><br>&nbsp;<br><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Alumni, Tracer Study, Communication Science, Working World</em></p> Abdul Khohar Bayujati Prakoso Farida Hariyati Andys Tiara Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 42 55 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6549 Persepsi Kesiapan Kerja Mahasiswa Setelah Melaksanakan Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PIP) Pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan <p>Student work readiness is a condition that must be prepared by students and universities before students complete their studies. So that after graduation they will work and can create their own jobs in a relatively short time. The lack of work readiness of students is due to the Introduction of the School Field has not been applied optimally due to the lack of skills and strong mentality when dealing with students, lack of personality as a prospective educator, and lack of opportunities to explore with the knowledge provided by field supervisors and lecturers. This study aims to examine and describe the work readiness of students after implementing the Introduction to the School Field (PLP). This research is a quantitative study with a population of 2019 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education students. The sampling technique used in this study was total sampling with 92 student respondents. The results of this study indicate that the work readiness of FETT students at Muhammadiyah Riau University is influenced by the Introduction of the School Field, this can be proven by the R - Square value of 0.638 (64%).</p> Putri Simatupang Melly Novalia Vitriani Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 56 66 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6730 DESKRIPSI KEPUASAN PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE PADA MAHASISWA PRODI TEKNIK KOMPUTER <p><em>Saat Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia pada awal tahun 2020 lalu, Pembelajaran Online mulai diberlakukan di semua instansi pendidikan. Banyak perbedaan yang dirasakan mahasiswa ketika mengikuti pembelajaran online. Perbedaan ini berkaitan dengan perbedaan metode dan proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi pembelajaran online. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melibatkan metode Survei. Survei dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada para responden untuk mengisi pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan indikator-indikator kepuasan pembelajaran, seperti Accuracy, Content, Easy of Ese, Form dan Timeleness. Adapun responden terdiri dari mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Komputer yang pernah mengikuti kegiatan perkuliahan online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak mayoritas mahasiswa memeberikan jawaban puas terhadap proses pembelajaran online. Persentase mahasiswa yang menilai memuaskan pada setiap indikator kepuasan pembelajaran adalah 49% keatas. Pada persentase skor indeks, persentase setiap indikator berada pada interval 60-79,99%. Hal ini menunjukkan mahasiswa puas terhadap pembelajaran online yang diterapkan pada masa Covid-19 lalu</em></p> Nailis Sa'adah Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 5 1 67 76 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6597 Keragaman Burung di Ekosistem Mangrove Kecamatan Sungai Apit Sebagai Bahan Pengayaan Mata Kuliah Keanakeragaman Hayati Makhluk Hidup <p><em>The purpose of this study was to identify bird species, evaluate bird interactions with the environment, understand their impact on the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems, as well as to produce local potential-based handout development to overcome students' difficulties in understanding the concept of bird population and diversity in the mangrove ecosystem environment, which is caused by a teaching approach that is too theoretical. The research was conducted in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, Riau. The research method involved a combination of descriptive and developmental research, using a sampling technique using IPA Count. The results identified 24 bird species with a high handout validation score of 84.50. The results of this study contributed significantly to students' understanding of bird diversity in mangrove ecosystems, so that it can be integrated as supporting material in the Biodiversity of Living Things course. It is expected that handouts based on local potential can be effective in improving students' understanding of bird diversity in mangrove ecosystems, and contribute to efforts to conserve and manage mangrove ecosystems in the region.</em></p> hadi purwanto hadi Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 5 1 78 85 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6606 Pengembangan E-Modul Menggunakan Kvisoft Flipbook Mata Pelajaran Dasar-Dasar Kejuruan Teknik Elektronika di SMK Taruna Pekanbaru <p><em>The modules used by teachers at SMK Taruna Pekanbaru still do not encourage independent learning interest for students, because the modules used have not been conceptualized in a complete form and the material provided is not fully in accordance with the basic competencies in the curriculum applied at school. The media used still uses blackboard media and lecture methods so that students feel bored and have no motivation to learn. This study aims to produce a Flipbook-based E-Module in the subject of vocational basics of electronic engineering that is valid and practical. The research used the Research and Development method with the 4-D model which was modified into a 3-D model, namely Define, Design and Development. The research subjects were X TE class students of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru. The research instruments were validity questionnaire and practicality questionnaire. The results obtained in the form of E-Module validity data from media experts and material experts with very valid categories and practicality results from teacher and student responses with very practical results.</em></p> Khairul Anshari Fitri Farida Febrelly Sabatini Copyright (c) 2024 EduTeach : Jurnal Edukasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 5 1 86 96 10.37859/eduteach.v5i1.6822