The skill of writing classified advertisements at SMPN 6 Tambang, especially class VIII is relatively low (58.03). The factor of the low competence in writing classified ads is caused by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors that affect the skills of writing classified ads in the classroom. The internal factors in question come from students, while external factors come from inappropriate learning methods used by teachers so that students become bored and tend to be inactive during the learning process. The selection of learning writing skills using the point-counter-point method through the media of identity cards is one of the efforts made by researchers to improve the skills of writing classified ads in class VIII SMPN 6 Tambang
The problems studied in this study, namely (1) how to improve the skills of writing classified advertisements in class VIII SMPN 6 Tambang after learning with the point-counter-point method through identity card media, and (2) how to change the behavior of class VIII SMPN students 6 Mining after learning with the point-counter-point method through identity card media.
This study used classroom action research which consisted of two stages, namely cycle I and cycle II with the research subject being the skills of writing classified advertisements for class VIII SMPN 6 Tambang students. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This study uses two variables, namely the skill of writing classified advertisements and the point-counter-point method through the media of identity cards. The instruments used in this research are test and non-test instruments. The process of collecting data in cycle I and cycle II used test and non-test techniques.
The results showed that the initial condition before the action was taken, the class average value was 58.03 and had not yet reached the average completeness score.
has been set, which is 75. In the first cycle, there was an increase of 6.6 or 10.22% after participating in learning to write classified ads using the point-counter-point method through identity cards. The classical average results obtained in the first cycle of classified ad writing skills obtained an average of
64.63 with sufficient category. In the second cycle there was an increase of 11.71 or 15.34% when compared to the first cycle. The average value obtained in the second cycle was 76.34 or in good category. The increase that occurred from the initial condition to the second cycle was 18.31 or 23.98%.
Based on the results of this study, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the classified advertisement writing skills of class VIII SMPN 6 Tambang students have increased and become more positive in behavior after following the learning process using the point-counter-point method through identity cards. Based on this, the researcher conveyed to teachers, especially class VIII teachers of SMPN 6 Tambang to use the point-counter-point method through identity cards to improve classified ad writing skills and motivate students to write activities. For researchers, it is recommended to conduct further development research on classified ad writing skills
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