The Application of Mobile-based Realtime Image Capture Feature for Private Course (Case Study: Panggil Guru Learning Center)

  • lusi angraini universitas muhammadiyah riau
Keywords: Realtime, Image Capture, Mobile, Research and Development (R&D), Waterfall


Panggil Guru Learning Center faces several problems related to the information system and the teacher’s attendance system in teaching at the students’ houses. Attendance is usually done manually on the attendance form which is provided by the management and recapitulated at the end of each month to determine the number of meeting the teacher has taught. This causes a problem for the Learning Center management to adjust the attendance given by the teacher with teacher’s attendance observed by the students’ parents. The purpose of this research is to design a web-based information system that is integrated with a mobile-based fitur realtime image capture system to make it easier for Panggil Guru Learning Center to input teacher attendance data. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) method with the Waterfall development model (analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance). The results of this research are a) Producing a mobile-based realtime image capture feature implementation system in Panggil Guru Learning Center and b) The feasibility level of a mobile-based realtime image capture feature system in terms of functional suitability with a very appropriate category and usability with “Excellent” category. From the results of the feasibility level, it can be seen that the implementation of mobile-based realtime image capture feature system in Panggil Guru Learning Center is feasible to use.


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