The Relationship between Acceptors of Hormonal Contraception and Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers in the Working Area of Dayun Health Center.

  • Nova Yulita Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
  • Sellia Juwita Jurusan Kebidanan, FFIK, Universitas Abdurrab, Jl. Riau Ujung No 73, Pekanbaru
  • Nevi Susianty Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
Keywords: Breastfeeding, contraceptive, Hormonal


In order to create a quality Indonesian population, the National Family Planning program has an important contribution to make in improving the quality of the population. This new family planning paradigm emphasizes the importance of respecting the desired reproductive and pregnancy rights for the most basic and primary preventive health care efforts. Hormonal contraceptives are very effective in preventing long-term pregnancy, and do not affect breast milk. Mother's milk (ASI) is the first and foremost natural food for newborns, because breast milk can meet the baby's needs for energy and baby nutrition, even during the first 4-6 months of life, it can achieve optimal growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between acceptors of hormonal contraceptives and breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​Dayun Health Center. This research uses quantitative research with analytical research design using cross sectional approach. The samples in this study were mothers who used hormonal contraception and breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​the Dayun Health Center at the time of the study with a sample of 60 people, the sampling technique used the accidental sampling method. From the results of statistical tests obtained P-value <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between hormonal contraceptive acceptors and breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​Dayun Health Center.


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