Prosiding SainsTeKes <p>Publikasi hasil riset, penelitian, pengembangan keilmuan dibidang sains tingkat dasar maupun terapan serta bidang aplikasi kesehatan yang telah diseminarkan secara nasional oleh Fakultas Mipa dan Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau. Kegiatan dan publikasi ini dilaksanakan 2 kali setahun. Seminar Pertama kali dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2019.</p> <p>Saat ini telah dilakukan Seminar Nasional Kedua dengan Tema “Inovasi Riset Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan dalam Menghadapi Era Pasca Vaksinasi” pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2021.</p> Fakultas Mipa dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau en-US Prosiding SainsTeKes 2714-7991 Prosiding SainsTeKes : Inovasi Riset Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan dalam Menghadapi Era Pasca Vaksinasi <p>KEYNOTE SPEAKERS <br><br>Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Agus Rubiyanto, M.Eng.Sc <br>(Ketua Pusat Penelitian Sains Fundamental. Dosen Departemen Fisika Fakultas Sains dan<br>Analitika Data (FSAD) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) <br><br>Dr. dr. Andani Eka Putra, M.Sc <br>(Direktur Umum dan Sumber Daya RS UNAND. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas)<br><br>Dr. Wirdati Irma, S.Pd., M.Si <br>(Pengajar FMIPA-Biologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br>PELINDUNG:<br><br>Dr. H. Mubarak, M.Si (Rektor Umri)<br>Sri Fitria Retnawaty, S.Si., MT (Wakil Rektor 1, Umri) <br>Bakaruddin, SE., MM (Wakil Rektor 2, Umri)<br>dr. Tas,win Yacob Sp.S (Wakil Rektor 3, Umri) <br>Juli Widiyanto, S.Kep., M.Kes (Dekan FMIPA dan Kesehatan Umri</p> <p><br>KEPANITIAAN<br><br>Dr. Jufrizal Syahri, M.Si (Ketua)<br>apt. Muhammad Azhari Herli Saptadi Putra, M.Farm (Wakil Ketua)</p> <p><br>Secretary: Nofripa Herlina, S.Si., M.Si. Bendahara: Mailukni, SE. Kesekretariatan: Delovita<br>Ginting, M.Si, Ns. Pratiwi Gasril, S.Kep., M.Kep, Neneng Fitria, M.Si. Acara: Elsie, M.Si, Yulia<br>Fitri, M.Si, Ns. Yeni Yarnita, S.Kep., M.Kep, Siti Nurkhasanah, S.ST., M.Keb. Presentasi Oral:<br>Ns.Isnaniar, M.Kep, Prasetya, M.Si, Rahmiwati Hilma, M.Si, Israwati Harahap, M.Si. Humas,<br>Promosi dan Sponsorship: Dr. Wirdati Irma, S.Pd., M.Si, Ns. Tri Siwi Kusumaningrum, S.Kep.,<br>M.Kes, Nova Yulita, S.ST., M.Keb, Apt. Hafifah Jasman, M. Farm. Web dan Kreatif Desain:<br>Shabri Putra Wirman, M.Si., Novia Gesriantuti, M.Si. Dokumentasi : Sarah Fitria, M.Tr Keb, Ns,<br>Maswarni, S.Kep., M.Kes, Nevi Susianty, S.Tr Keb., M.Kes, Fitra Perdana, M.Sc. Publikasi dan<br>Prosiding: Yeeri Badrun, M.Si., Wan Fitrah Hidayat, S.IP. Kerjasama Jurnal : Dr. Sri Hilma<br>Siregar, M.Sc., Rahmadini Syafri, B.Sc., M.Sc, Sri Fitria Retnawaty, S.Si., MT. Perlengkapan<br>Transportasi dan Akomodasi: Dewi Gulyla Hari, M.Farm., Apt, Chairil, SKM., MKL, Apt. Ayu<br>Rahmawati, M. Farm. Konsumsi: Hasmalina Nasution, M.Si, Wiwik Norlita, A.Kep., M.Kes,<br>Jumiati, S.ST., M.Kes <br><br><br>Publisher: <br>Fakultas MIPA dan Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau</p> Yeeri Badrun Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-04 2021-10-04 2 1 1 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2871 PEMETAAN SEBARAN KONSENTRASI FOSFAT DI DESA BULUH CINA SUNGAI KAMPAR <p>The research was conducted in August 2019 in Buluh Cina village, Siak Hulu sub-district, Kampar district, Riau province. The research aims to see the phosphate distribution pattern by using the software Surfer in the Kampar river, Buluh Cina tourism forest. Determination of the sampling point is done using a purposive sampling technique, where there are 5 research stations based on a consideration of purpose. Sampling was carried out on the river surface and in the riverbed sediment. Phosphate concentrations on the river’s surface range between 0,0170 mg/L up to 0,0470 mg/L. Phosphate concentrations on riverbed sediment range between 12,062 mg/L up to 45,487 mg/L. The surfer result of the phosphate distribution on the surface indicates that station 1 has the highest level of contamination because of its darkest color. Whereas the surfer result of the phosphate distribution on the sediment indicates that station 4 has the highest level of contamination. The phosphate on the river sediment is higher than in the waters because phosphate tends to settle on the bottom of the water.</p> Ayu Indah Syahfitri Sri Fitria Retnawaty Noni Febriani Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 5 16 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2878 ANALISIS PENGARUH JUMLAH LAPISAN PAPAN PARTIKEL SERBUK KENAF TERHADAP KEKUATAN SIFAT FISIS DAN MEKANIS <p><em>The purpose of this study&nbsp; to make laminates particleboard from kenaf powder and see the effect of the number of layers of laminate particleboard on the strength of physical and mechanical properties. The number of laminates made from this research consists of one layer, two layers and three layers. The composition of the filler and matrix used in the manufacture of particleboard consisting of kenaf fiber and epoxy resin is 30%:70% with a ratio of percent by weight. The process of compaction of particle board using the cold press method with a pressure of 30 Bar. Tests of physical properties carried out in this study include density and water absorption. Testing of mechanical properties in this research includes tensile strength test and impact strength&nbsp; test. The results of the density test ranged (0.79gr/cm<sup>3</sup>-0.86gr/cm<sup>3</sup>), the results of the water absorption test ranged (4.11%-3.28%). The results of the tensile strength test ranged from (12.99kgf/cm<sup>2</sup>-118.77kgf/cm2) and the impact strength values ​​ranged (1.03 J/cm<sup>2</sup>-2.87J/cm<sup>2</sup>). The results of the physical properties test, namely the density test and water absorption, have met the standards of SNI 03-2105-2006, namely high density particleboard and water absorption with a water content value of &lt;5%. The results of the mechanical testing, namely the tensile strength test of this study also met SNI 03-2105-2006. The results of this study indicate that the greater the number of layers in the manufacture of particleboard, the greater the value of the physical and mechanical properties of the particleboard.</em></p> Delovita Ginting Sulistyo Rini Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 17 24 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2879 RANCANG BANGUN VENTILASI RUMAH OTOMATIS MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR ASAP SENSOR MQ-7 BERBASIS ARDUINO UNO <p><em>Smog is a serious problem and occurs almost every year in Riau Province. This smog occurs due to forest and land fires (Karhutla). Based on data obtained from the Directorate of PKHL, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. The method of making this tool is to design an automatic ventilation device in which there is already a filter. The filter is made with bagasse which was previously dried in the sun for approximately a week, after drying the bagasse in the oven for approximately 6 hours. After being in the oven, the bagasse which has become charcoal is also activated with a KOH solution until the washing process is carried out using Aquades and then in the oven again to dry it. After the filter is finished, the filter is placed in an automatic ventilation device that has been designed. Air will enter through the ventilation if the air content is categorized as good, or the level is below 25 ppm. Ventilation will be closed if the air content is poor, or above 25 ppm. When the air is bad, the fan will activate and channel the air into the filter chamber. Based on the results of the study, the air entering the filter room managed to filter the air well.</em></p> Donny Dwi Sahendra Putra Manik Neneng Fitrya Imam Isvahady - Selvia Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 25 31 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2880 RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENDETEKSI KONTAMINAN BORAK PADA MAKANAN BERBASIS ANDROID <p><em>It has been designed a tool that serves to investigate and identify types of harmful contaminants such as borax. This tool can be accessed through android phones to display contained contamination. This tool uses a color sensor (RGB) with type TCS34725. The use of color sensors because food contaminated with borax undergoes discoloration but is still difficult to distinguish by the eye.</em><em> Differences in color intensity that can be used to find out whether food is contaminated or not. Broadly speaking, the system consists of four parts, namely color sensor, arduino nano CH340, Bluetooth HM-10, android. The samples tested were chicken meatballs, beef meatballs and lontong. Testing the contamination sample was 99% accurate.</em></p> Neneng Fitrya Shabri Putra Wirman Riri Gusfita Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 32 43 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2881 PERANCANGAN ALAT PENGUKUR SUHU TUBUH, DETAK JANTUNG DAN OKSIGEN DALAM DARAH DENGAN MIKROKONTROLLER NODEMCU ESP32 BERBASIS WEB INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) <p>Suhu tubuh, detak jantung serta saturasi oksigen (oksigen dalam darah) adalah data yang sangat berarti bagi petugas kesehatan dalam pengecekan kesehatan tubuh baik itu identifikasi dini terpaparnya <em>virus covid-19</em> pada temperatur tubuh, SPO2 maupun pada indikasi penyakit jantung. Dengan berkembangnya ilmu serta pengetahuan sekarang, semakin pesat juga teknologi cangih dalam bermacam bidang. Salah satu pertumbuhan teknologi tersebut adalah <em>Internet of Things</em>. Penelitian berfungsi agar mendapatkan data suhu tubuh, detak jantung serta oksigen dalam darah yang dapat diakses oleh <em>web</em> sehingga pengguna dapat melihat riwayat pengukuran sebelumnya. Pada perancangan <em>software </em>menggunakan aplikasi <em>arduino</em> IDE serta aplikasi VS <em>code setup</em> sedangkan perancangan <em>hardware</em> bagian pengendali adalah <em>mikrokontroler </em>NodeMCU ESP32 yang berfungsi mengendalikan <em>sensor</em>, <em>hardware</em> pada rangkaian dan mengkomunikasikan pada <em>web</em> yang nantinya data hasil pengukuran dapat dilihat pada <em>web</em> melalui <em>laptop</em> ataupun <em>smartphone</em> oleh pengguna. <em>Sensor</em> Max30100 akan mengirim data ke NodeMCU ESP32 berupa data hasil pengukuran detak jantung dan oksigen dalam darah. <em>S</em><em>ensor</em> IR Mlx90614 mengirim data ke NodeMCU ESP32 data berupa data hasil pengukuran temperatur tubuh. Penelitian pengukuran dilakukan kepada suka relawan dan hasil pengukuran didapatkan suhu tubuh diantara <em>sensor</em> IR Mlx90614 dan <em>thermogun</em> mempunyai tingkatan akurasi sebesar 99,7%. Sebaliknya hasil pengukuran antara detak jantung dan oksigen dalam darah pada <em>sensor</em> Max30100 dan <em>pulse oximet</em><em>er</em>, detak jantung mempunyai tingkatan akurasi sebesar 96,7%, sedangkan pada oksigen dalam darah mempunyai tingkatan akurasi sebesar 99,7%.</p> Wawas Dwi Prasetya Moethia Faridha Saiful Karim Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 44 57 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2882 DAYA TAMPUNG BEBAN PENCEMAR FOSFAT DI DESA BULUH CINA SUNGAI KAMPAR MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE QUAL2KW <p>This research is about calculating the load carrying capacity of phosphate pollutants in Buluh Cina Village, Kampar River using Qual2kw software. The method used in this research is and purposive sampling method. This research was conducted at 3 points on the river surface. The results of the calculation of river capacity for point 1 are 66,946 kg / day, at point 2 it is 61,685 kg / day, and for point 3 it is 62,156 kg / day. Based on the calculation results of river capacity at 3 points, it is known that the Kampar River is still able to accommodate the pollutant load, especially phosphate, which is 63,596 kg / day.</p> Winda Yulisa Sri Fitria Retnawaty Noni Febriani Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 58 74 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2883 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PERHITUNGAN KONSENTRASI EMISI BERBASIS GUI MATLAB <p>Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan perancangan sistem perhitungan konsentrasi emisi yang berasal dari sumber titik (<em>single point sources</em>) dengan metode Gaussian. Sistem dibangun dengan tampilan sederhana dan praktis berbasis&nbsp; GUI MATLAB. Data cerobong dan data meteorologi digunakan sebagai input, metode gaussian untuk menghitung nilai konsentrasi emisi dan output dari sistem yang dirancang ini adalah nilai konsentrasi emisi. Data yang digunakan untuk implementasi sistem perhitungan konsentrasi emisi yang dirancang adalah data dari Pabrik Karet PT. Hervenia Kampar Lestari. Hasil implementasi diperoleh bahwa emisi CO2 tertinggi berada jarak 0.015 Km dari cerobong asap dan pada jarak 1 km konsentrasi CO2 cendrung menurun mendakati nol. Sistem Perhitungan Konsentrasi Emisi yang dirancang pada penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk menghitung konsentrasi emisi. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil perhitungan konsentrasi emisi yang sama dengan menggunakan <em>Ms. Excell</em>.</p> Yulia Fitri Rahma Yulis Shabri Putra Wirman Ayu Risti Candini - Piza Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 75 82 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2884 KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN KAWASAN STADION UTAMA RIAU BERDASARKAN ODONATA (CAPUNG) SEBAGAI BIOINDIKATOR <p>Odonata merupakan salah satu jenis serangga yang sering dijadikan bioindikator kualitas lingkungan karena kepekaan nimfanya terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kualitas lingkungan Kawasan Stadion Utama Riau dengan menggunakan keanekaragaman Odonata sebagai bioindikator. Pengambilan sampel Odonata dilakukan pada 3 satsiun di sekitar Aliran Air pada Kawasan Stadion Utama Riau. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian yaitu metode s<em>urvey</em>, metode <em>purposive sampling</em>, metode jelajah (<em>visual day flying</em>), dan <em>Capture Mark Release Recapture</em> (CMRR). Odonata ditangkap menggunakan <em>insect net</em> selanjutnya diidentifikasi dengan melihat ciri-ciri morfologi. Pada penelitian inijga dilakukan pengukuran parameter fisika dan kimia serta menghitung jumlah manusia yang beraktivitas di masing-masing stasiun. Analisis data berupa menghitung Indeks Keanekaragaman. Odonata yang ditemukan di sekitar Aliran Air pada Kawasan Stadion Utama Riau sebanyak 26 spesies, 16 spesies termasuk dalam SubOrdo Anisoptera, 10 spesies termasuk dalam SubOrdo Zygoptera. Nilai rata rata Indeks Keanekaragaman Odonata didapatkan sebesar 2,15 yang menunjukkan kualitas lingkungan Kawasan Stadion Utama Riau secara keseluruhan belum tercemar.</p> Novia Gesriantuti Yeeri Badrun Novita Sari Elma Yolanda Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 84 90 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2886 KEANEKARAGAMAN CAPUNG (Odonata) DI KAWASAN WISATA PULAU CINTA TELUK JERING, KECAMATAN TAMBANG, KABUPATEN KAMPAR, RIAU <p>Penggunaan lahan secara berlebihan mampu menimbulkan penurunan&nbsp; keragaman&nbsp; suatu spesies, tingginya dominansi serta mengakibatkan&nbsp;&nbsp; hilangnya&nbsp;&nbsp; kestabilan&nbsp;&nbsp; biodiversitas. Odonata merupakan organisme yang memiliki peran penting bagi ekositem, Odonata di lingkungan juga berperan sebagai predator untuk mengendalikan jumlah dari hewan lainnya dalam ekosistem. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi Odonata pada Kawasan Pulau Cinta Teluk Jering, Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau, serta&nbsp; menghitung Indeks Keanekaragaman, Indeks Kesamaan dan Indeks Dominansi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode <em>survey</em> yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi penelitian dan metode <em>purposive sampling </em>digunakan untuk menentukan stasiun penelitian yaitu berdasarkan tipe ekosistem yang berbeda, sedangkan untuk penangkapan Odonata menggunakan metode <em>Capture-Mark-Release-Recapture</em> (CMRR). Hasil identifikasi Odonata didapatkan 234 individu yang terdiri dari 10 spesies dan 9 genus. Indeks Keanekaragaman yang didapat dikategorikan sedang dengan nilai 1.21 - 1.36, Indeks Dominansi dikategorikan rendah dengan nilai 0,35 - 0,39 dan Indeks Kesamaan dikategorikan rendah dengan nilai 0,43.</p> Yeeri Badrun Muhammad Rafi Novia Gesriantuti Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 91 98 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2888 EKSPLORASI CENDAWAN ENDOFIT ASAL TANAMAN SEMBUNG (Blumea balsamifera) DAN POTENSINYA SEBAGAI ANTIMIKROBA <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat cendawan endofit yang berasal dari tanaman sembung (<em>Blumea balsamifera</em>) dan mengetahui potensinya sebagai antimikroba terhadap pertumbuhan <em>Candida albicans</em>, <em>Escherichia coli </em>dan <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>. Sampel tanaman sembung (<em>B. balsamifera</em>) diambil dari Desa Pangkalan Baru, Kecamatan Siak Hulu, Kabupaten Kampar. Isolasi cendawan endofit dilakukan menggunakan metode sterilisasi permukaan sedangkan uji aktivitas antimikroba menggunakan metode cakram. Sebanyak 15 isolat cendawan endofit berhasil diisolasi dari tanaman sembung (<em>B. balsamifera</em>).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hasil uji aktivitas antimikroba diperoleh 1 isolat mampu menghambat pertumbuhan <em>C. albicans</em>, 15 isolat mampu menghambat pertumbuhan <em>E. coli </em>dan<em> S. aureus</em>.</p> Fadilla Ulfa Saftari Israwati Harahap Elsie Copyright (c) 2021-11-19 2021-11-19 2 252 260 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.3131 POTENSI CENDAWAN ENDOFIT ASAL AKAR WANGI (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) DALAM MENGHAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN Ganoderma boninense <p><em>Ganoderma boninense</em>&nbsp;merupakan salah satu organisme patogen pada kelapa sawit yang mengakibatkan busuk pangkal batang kelapa sawit, dan untuk mengatasinya para petani menggunakan pestisida dalam menghambat pertumbuhan <em>G. boninense</em>. Namun, perlakuan hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian hayati perlu digunakan untuk mengatasi hal tesebut salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan cendawan endofit asal akar wangi (<em>V. zizanioides</em> L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi cendawan <em>G. boninense</em> yang menyebabkan penyakit busuk pangkal batang kelapa sawit dan untuk mengetahui potensi cendawan endofit asal akar wangi (<em>V. zizanioides</em> L.) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan <em>G. boninense</em>. Isolasi cendawan <em>G. boninense</em> dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sterilisasi permukaan sedangkan uji antagonis terhadap <em>G. boninense</em> dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode <em>dual culture assay</em> atau biakan ganda. Hasil isolasi <em>G. boninense</em> berdasarkan pengamatan makroskopisnya memiliki ciri-ciri bentuk koloni lingkaran, bagian tepi koloni berombak dan warna koloni berwarna putih seperti kapas, pada pengamatan mikroskopisnya yaitu terdapat konidia berbentuk oval, berwarna abu-abu kehitaman, dan pada konidiofor berbentuk lurus, berwarna abu-abu kehitaman. Hasil uji antagonis cendawan endofit asal akar wangi terhadap <em>G. boninense </em>diperoleh potensi terbesar pada isolat IH1 dengan persentase daya hambat sebesar 43%.</p> Mimi Yulianti Israwati Harahap Elsie Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 2 261 269 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.3130 AKTIVITAS ANTIDIABETES EKSTRAK TANGKAI DAUN TALAS PADANG (COLOCASIA GIGANTEA BLUME HOOK.F) SECARA IN VITRO MELALUI INHIBISI ENZIM Α- GLUKOSIDASE <p><em>The leaf of taro Padang (Colocasia gigantea Blume Hook.f) is a traditional plant that is effective as an alternative diabetes treatment. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This study aims to determine the in vitro antidiabetic activity of taro leaf stalk extract (Colocasia gigantean Blume Hook.f) through inhibition of the α-glucosidase enzyme. The antidiabetic activity test was carried out by measuring the percent inhibition of the extract against the α-glucosidase enzyme in vitro. The activity of α-glucosidase was determined by measuring p-nitrophenol which was produced from the reaction of the enzyme and the p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG) substrate using a microplate reader at a wavelength of 410 nm. The results showed that the extract of taro leaf stalks (Colocasia gigantean Blume Hook.f) was active as an antidiabetic because it could inhibit the action of the α-glucosidase enzyme which was aimed at IC50 values ​​&lt;100 µg / mL. ppm of 98.35% with an IC50 value of 31.5670 ppm.</em></p> Hesti Marliza Sri Rahayu Melpa Hasni Hasni - Suhaera Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 100 109 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2889 PINEAPPLE SKIN (Ananas comosus L) Merr Sunscreen Activity from Three Growing Places. <p><em>The use of medicinal plants is growing in the community, one of which is the use of pineapple skin. Honey pineapple skin contains bromelain compounds which have many pharmacological activities. Bromelain has protective and antioxidant effects against oxidative stress. The difference in the source of raw materials such as where to grow causes diversity in the quality of the extract, therefore this study aims to determine the sunscreen activity of honey pineapple peel extract originating from the Purbalingga, Pemalang and Subang area. The sunscreen activity test of honey pineapple peel extract was carried out in vitro by measuring the absorption at a wavelength of 290 – 320 nm with an interval of 5 nm and the SPF value was calculated using Mansur Equation. Pemalang, Subang and Purbalingga, namely 23.59±0.1630; 21.51±0.4241 and 24.35±0.4144 The results showed that the pineapple peel extract from Purbalingga and had sunscreen activity in the ultra category.</em></p> - Diniatik Nina Karlina Wiranti Sri Rahayu Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 111 117 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2890 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY TESTING OF FREEZE DRY FROM MORINGA LEAF (Moringa oleifera), BIT ( Beta vulgaris L.) AND BROCOLI ( Brassica oleracea L.) EXTRACTS AS ADDITIONAL INGREDIENTS FOR BEVERAGE SUPPLEMENTS <p><em>Efforts to prevent COVID-19 infection in the elderly are carried out by increasing body resistance, one of which is the consumption of supplements or health drinks containing antioxidants. Natural antioxidants can be obtained from active compounds from plants, including Moringa leaves, beetroot, and broccoli which were extracted using the freeze-drying method. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of the extract of Moringa leaves, beetroot, and broccoli from freeze-dried. Testing the antioxidant activity of UV-Vis spectrophotometer via free radical fishing methods 1, 1 -diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results showed the IC<sub>50</sub> value of Moringa leaf extract from freeze-dried results of 162.98 ppm classified as weak antioxidant category, beetroot extract of 231.25 ppm classified as very weak antioxidant category, and broccoli extract of 379.11 ppm classified as a very weak antioxidant category.</em></p> - Tukiran Mauren Gita Miranti Idah Dianah Wati Titik Mardiyanti Sofyah Tiara Rahmawati Hidayatul Maulida Fatikhurohmah Fauzia Indah Sabila Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 118 126 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2891 kbinding PENGIKATAN SENYAWA KEMOSENSOR TURUNAN BENZIMIDAZOL PADA PEMBENTUKAN KOMPLEKS SENSOR-CN <p>Three chemosensor compounds for detecting cyanide anions have been synthesized. These compounds are derivatives of the benzimidazole compound (S1) with different substituents bonded directly to position 2 of the benzene ring system. The substituent of the Nitro group gives the structure of the S2 compound, the Azo group gives the structure of the S5 compound, and the Azo-Nitro group gives the structure of the S6 compound. Recognition of the CN¯ ion was carried out by dissolving the cyanide salt in distilled water (concentration 1 x 10¯7 M and concentration up to 8 equivalents) and dropping 50 L into the Sensor/DMSO solution. The determination of binding was calculated based on the results of the analysis of the intensity of the UV-vis instrument and the spectrometer in the form of the Benesi-Hilderbrand curve of the sensor-anion complex solution. The best binding to the cyanide ion is in the S2-CNˉ complex: 2.6 × 106 Mˉ1.</p> R. Rahmawati Syarifa Wahidah Al-Idrus Baiq Fara Dwirani Sofia Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 127 133 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2893 CHICKEN MEAT COOKIES TO IMPROVE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND PREVENT STUNTING. BACKGROUND <p><em>Children with stunting have low IQ, educational performance, and verbal ability. It’s necessary to provide supplementary food with chicken meat cookies as government's supplementation program companion for pregnant women to improve nutritional status of pregnant women and prevent stunting. To obtain fortified cookie formulation with nutritional sources from macro and micronutrients as well as ligands, which are suitable for pregnant women needs in the second trimester. Supplementary food formulation for pregnant women begins with determining energy requirements. Energy contribution is provided by cookies +20% of the RDA for pregnant women. Cookies formulation consisted of making tempeh, green beans, bananas, and chicken meat flour, followed by a composite flour formulation using RSM mixture design optimal using Design Expert 7.0 trial software (DX 7 trial). Chicken meat cookies formula was analyzed chemically, physically, microbiologically and organoleptically in the second trimester of pregnant women. Cookies meet the microbiological requirements of BPOM. Organoleptic test, 66.7% of pregnant women in the second trimester, like cookies. Composition of folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B12, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, protein, energy, fulfills RDA of pregnant women in the second trimester. The presence of ligands in cookies can overcome interactions between micronutrients. Cookies in accordance with SNI-2891-1992,BUTIR1,2. because it is round, has color, taste and aroma resembling cookies in general. Chicken meat cookies are safe to use as supplementary food for pregnant women accompanying the government supplementation program. </em></p> - Arfiyanti Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 146 158 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2895 UJI AKTIFITAS SERUM EKSTRAK TERPURIFIKASI DAUN APUH-APUHAN (AZOLLA MICROPHYLLA) SEBAGAI ANTIAGING <p>Aging is the gradual loss of tissue's ability to repair and maintain its normal structure and function. The most common cause of premature skin aging is due to induced sun exposure. This research was conducted using purified extract of apuh-apuhan leaf as an active substance in serum preparations and testing as anti-collagenase, anti-elastase, and anti-tyrosinase as antiaging. Determination of flavonoid levels was carried out using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and the results obtained were total flavonoid levels of 8.222±0.03 mgQE/g. The combination of ingredients used in the manufacture of serum are carbopol, triethanolamine, propylene glycol, methylparaben, propylparaben, and aquades. The results of the serum preparation formula for the purified extract of apuh-apuhan leaf have a clear green color, semi-viscous texture, have a pH of 5.5 and a viscosity of 1310 cP, the results obtained are quite good. In testing the collagenase enzyme at concentrations of 500 ppm, 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm had inhibition percentages of 38.91%, 45.15% and 53.61%. The concentration used on the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme obtained the percentage of inhibition of 42.45%, 45.68% and 45.80%. These concentrations were used in testing the elastase enzyme, getting results of 62.83%, 84, 71% and 89.24%. So it can be concluded that purified extract of apuh-apuhan leaves has antiaging activity.</p> Ajeng Puspo Aji Nunuk Aries Nurulita - Diniatik Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 159 168 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2896 HUBUNGAN ANTARA KEBERADAAN TIKUS DAN FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN ABIOTIK TERHADAP INFEKSI LEPTOSPIRA DI TIKUS (STUDI CROSS SECTIONAL DI KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR, PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH) <p>Karanganyar District health officer recorded seven leptospirosis cases with five deaths in 2020 from January to February. Gawanan village was a village with that one case of death. The aim of this study was to see trapping success and to determine the relationship between rat presence and abiotic environmental factors on <em>Leptospira</em> infection. The design of study was an analytic descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The study located in Gawanan Village, Colomadu Sub-district, conducted in February 2020. Rodent trapping conducted for two days. One hundred live traps were installed for two consecutive days. <em>Leptospira</em> in the rat kidney were detected with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. The observed variable of rat that caught on, were its species and its gender. Abiotic environmental factors measured were water pH, water temperature, air temperature, and humidity. Data were analyzed using the bivariate test. The number of rats caught was 31 rats. The number of trapping success was 15,5%. The proportion of <em>Rattus tanezumi</em> was 67,7% (4,8% positive <em>Leptospira</em> infection), and <em>Rattus norvegicus</em> was 32,3% (10% positive <em>Leptospira</em> infection). The proportion of male was 51,6% of the female. The statistics showed that the existence of rat and abiotic environmental factors were not significantly related on <em>Leptospira</em> infection. The high trapping success can become the risk of <em>Leptospira</em> infection.</p> Arief Nugroho Nur Hidayati - Muhidin Ika Martiningsih Aprilia Safitria Esti Rahardianingtyasa Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 169 177 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2897 ANALISIS PERBEDAAN BERAT BADAN SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH MENGGUNAKAN KB SUNTIK DI UPTD PUSKESMAS HARAPAN RAYA PEKANBARU. <p><em>Background: Even though the community has great interest in injection</em><em> contraceptives, it has several side effects including weight gain, menstrual pattern disorders, headaches and stomach discomfort. To determine the difference between the use of injectable contraceptives towards weight gain at the UPTD Puskesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. This type of research is an analytical observational study that explains the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. The analysis used is to find the relationship between knowledge and the research design used is cross-sectional, namely research to study the dynamics of the correlation between risk factors and effects, by approaching, observing or collecting data at the same time. The research that was conducted in February 2019 at the UPDT Pukesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru obtained the results of data analysis, the average age of the mother was 32.37 years (95% CI: 29.80-34.94), with a standard deviation of 6.499 years. . The youngest is 22 years old and the oldest is 49 years old. From the results of the interval estimation, it can be concluded that 95% is believed that the average age of the mother is between 29.80 and 34.94 years, most of the most dominant education of respondents is junior high school as much as 14 respondents (50.0%). Based on the work of private employee respondents as many as 23 respondents (82.1%), while civil servants got the results of 8 respondents (17.9%). Based on the results of the statistical test obtained P value 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between body weight before injection FP and body weight after injection KB. Conclusion: It is expected that family planning acceptors can consider various alternative contraceptives by comparing the side effects of longterm contraceptive use in the future.</em></p> - Chairil - Novelia Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 178 186 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2898 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SMOKING HABITS AND BODY WIGHT IN COUPLES OF CHILDBEARING AGE ON THE INCIDENCE OF INFERTILITY. <p><em>Inferility is one of the reproductive health problems that often develops into a social problem because the wife is always considered t</em><em>he cause. As a result, women are often cornered and experience violence, their health is neglected, and they are labeled as barren women as a problem in their lives. Many factors make it difficult for couples to get pregnant after a long period of normal sex. Many of them chose to divorce because one of them could not produce children. The threat of divorce is 43% of the problems in an existing marriage. Infertility is not just a disorder in women, as stated that the husband is really not physically and mentally healthy, because pregnancy occurs when the husband is really healthy and has the ability to carry out his duties well, the husband accounts for 40% of the incidence of infertility, while the rest is with the wife. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking habits and body weight of couples of childbearing age on the incidence of infertility. The type and design of this research is quantitative with a cross sectional survey approach, with a sample of 55 couples of childbearing age using non-probability sampling with accidental sampling technique. Data were obtained from primary and secondary data, using a closed-ended questionnaire. The data that has been collected is then carried out data processing. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate analysis using chi square statistical test. The results showed that there was a small 38.2% incidence of infertility in couples of childbearing age with a significant relationship between smoking habits (Pvalue 0.015 &lt; </em><em>α</em><em> 0.05) and body weight (Pvalue 0.021 &lt; </em><em>α</em><em> 0.05) of couples of childbearing age on the incidence of infertility.</em></p> Jumiati Sarah Fitria Ayu Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 187 194 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2899 GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL TENTANG MANFAAT KOLOSTRUM BAGI BAYI BARU LAHIR <p><em>Colostrum (first milk) is yellowish breast milk that is produced in the first three days after giving birth. Should be given as early as possible after the baby is born. The benefit is that the digestion and absorption of breast milk in the baby's stomach and intestines takes place quickly and well, stopping bleeding in the mother because it can quickly restore the uterus. This type of research is descriptive, with a sample of 30 respondents and using accidental sampling technique, namely by chance. The data used is primary, namely data obtained directly from respondents' answers through questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using frequency distribution tables and cross tables. From the category The majority of respondents who have less knowledge are 18 respondents (60%), and a minority of good knowledge are 3 respondents (10%), and the majority of multipara respondents in parity who have less knowledge are 14 respondents (46.7%), and a knowledgeable minority good 3 respondents (10%), in multipara the majority of respondents with junior high school education who have less knowledge are 12 respondents (40%), and the minority has good knowledge of tertiary education 2 respondents (6.67%), and has sufficient knowledge of high school education, namely 5 respondents (16.7%), the majority of respondents based on Information Sources from Health Workers had less knowledge 10 respondents (33.3%), and the minority had good knowledge, namely 2 respondents (6.67%) sources from Print Media and Electronic Media, 1 respondent (3.33%), the majority of respondents based on household work have less knowledge, namely 16 respondents (53.3%), and a minority of good knowledge, namely 3 respondents (10%) in civil servants. From the results of the study, it is hoped that the researchers can provide counseling to pregnant women about the benefits of colostrum and want to give colostrum to newborns</em></p> Nova Yulita Nevi Susianty Sarah Fitria Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 195 204 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2900 The Relationship between Acceptors of Hormonal Contraception and Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers in the Working Area of Dayun Health Center. <p>In order to create a quality Indonesian population, the National Family Planning program has an important contribution to make in improving the quality of the population. This new family planning paradigm emphasizes the importance of respecting the desired reproductive and pregnancy rights for the most basic and primary preventive health care efforts. Hormonal contraceptives are very effective in preventing long-term pregnancy, and do not affect breast milk. Mother's milk (ASI) is the first and foremost natural food for newborns, because breast milk can meet the baby's needs for energy and baby nutrition, even during the first 4-6 months of life, it can achieve optimal growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between acceptors of hormonal contraceptives and breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​Dayun Health Center. This research uses quantitative research with analytical research design using cross sectional approach. The samples in this study were mothers who used hormonal contraception and breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​the Dayun Health Center at the time of the study with a sample of 60 people, the sampling technique used the accidental sampling method. From the results of statistical tests obtained P-value &lt;0.05, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between hormonal contraceptive acceptors and breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​Dayun Health Center.</p> Nova Yulita Sellia Juwita Nevi Susianty Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 205 211 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2901 KAJIAN NILAI HEMATOLOGI SELULER PASIEN YANG TERKONFIRMASI CORONA VIRUS DISEASE COVID-19 <p>Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 caused by the Coronavirus or SARS CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). Routine hematology and leukocyte count were simple examinations that can be performed in almost all health facilities that have clinical laboratories with hematology examination tools. The purpose of this study was to identify the Cellular Hematology of the patients with Confirmed Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19).</p> <p>This study was a quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this study from patients with positive COVID-19 was taken from medical record data at the Hospital Bumiayu amounted to 59 respondents. The analytical test used Univariate and Bivariate (Chi-Square).</p> <p>The results showed a mean age of 50.2 years with most sex 56% male, the mean cellular hematology results were as follows: Hb 13.5 g/dl; mean Leukocyte 7266.9/mm3; Erythrocytes 4.84 million/mm3; Platelets 243.995/mm3; Hematocrit 40.49 vol%; Basophils 0.34%; Eosinophils 0.64%; Neutrophils 73.24%; Lymphocytes 12.62%; Monocytes 3.84%; CRP 71.95 mg/dL with 18.6% mortality rate with comorbid DM 45.5% with 54.5% dying without comorbidities.</p> <p>Conclusion: There was a relationship between age, gender and comorbidities, neutrophilia, lymphocytopenia, and high CRP with symptoms of Covid-19 with a p-value p&lt;0.05. There wasn't a relationship between work history and death rate based on symptoms or severity of Covid-19.</p> Rahmaya Nova Handayani Edi Prayitno Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 212 221 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2902 IMPLEMENTASI SENAM KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI TERHADAP KEBUGARAN JASMNI REMAJA PUTRI <p>Anemia in female adolescent is a reproductive health problem. The main contributing factors are blood loss every month. Another&nbsp; has impact of adolescent girls who experience anemia are: decreased endurance, learning achievement and physical fitness. Especially during the pandemic, after being vaccinated, the physical condition must remain healthy. Reproductive health exercises are believed to be good physical activity choices, especially for female adolescents to deal with anemia problems.This study was to prove the implementation of reproductive health exercise on the hemoglobin levels and physical fitness of female adolescents. This study used 30 respondents as research subjects divided into 15 as intervention groups and 15 as control groups. The intervention group was given reproductive health exercises and Fe tablets for 4 weeks with a duration of 18 minutes 3 times a week. The control group was given Fe Tablets. Physical fitness collection are namely before and after treatment. The average increase in physical fitness from 118,87 x/minutes to 95,87 x/minutes with an increase of 23 x/minutes, by statistical test there was a significant difference in p-value &lt;0.05. This study proves that the implementation of reproductive health exercise has an effect on the physical fitness of female adolescents.</p> Sarah Fitria - Jumiati Nova Yulita Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-05 2021-10-05 2 222 231 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2903 PENGARUH ENDORPHIN MASSAGE TERHADAP PENURUNAN INTENSITAS NYERI PADA IBU BERSALIN KALA I FASE AKTIF PERSALINAN DI PMB E PEKANBARU 2019 <p>Labor pain is a physiological process that reach 12% - 67% of maternal experience pain during labor, but only 2-4% of maternal who experience mild pain during labor. One effort to reduce labor pain using the techniques of massage endorphins which is a non-pharmacological therapy, objective of this study was to determine the relationship endorphin massage to decrease pain intensity first stage of labor active phase. The research design were used quasi experimental with non equivalent control group. The sampling has taken by purposive sampling with the population consists of 116 people and the respondents were divided into 2 groups: control group and intervention. Analyze data using t dependent and independent test with confidence level up to 95%. The results have finding the intervention group t-dependent test with p = 0.001, control group with p = 0.001 where as independent t values ​​obtained p value of 0.001 to p value ≤ 0.05, then the means that there is anysignificant relationship endorphin massage on decreasing labor pain intensity of stage I phase. Next researcher were expected to do endorphin massage skin to skin without intermediaries of clothes to be&nbsp; decreasing in the intensity of labor pain more significant</p> Siti Nurkhasanah Arni Hesti Nurvita Sari Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding SainsTeKes 2021-10-04 2021-10-04 2 232 241 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2904 BAKU MUTU MIKROBIOLOGI BAKTERI COLIFORM DAN E. COLI PADA AIR MINUM ISI ULANG (AMIU) DI KECAMATAN KOTO KAMPAR HULU, RIAU <p>Data dari Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu jumlah penderita diare pada tahun 2018<br>sebanyak 175 penderita, tergolong penyakit lima besar yang dapat disebabkan oleh<br>mengkomsumsi Air Minum Isi Ulang (AMIU)yang mengandung bakteri penyebab penyakit diare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui baku mutu mikrobiologi yang terdiri dari bakteri Coliform dan E.Coli pada AMIU yang ada di Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu, Kabupaten Kampar, Propinsi Riau. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2019 dan informan pada penelitian ini adalah pemilik depot AMIU yang berjumlah 7 orang. Dari depot yang diperiksa terdapat 3 depot yang tercemar bakteri coliform pada air minum dan tidak ada depot air minum isi ulang yang tercemar bakteri e.coli. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu beberapa depot yang berada di Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu tercemar bakteri coliform pada air minum sehingga tidak memenuhi Permenkes No.492 tahun 2010 untuk Baku Mutu Air Minum. Disarankan kepada pemerintah daerah untuk melakukan pendataan ulang bagi setiap depot dan memberlakukan peraturan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk depot air minum isi ulang secara berkala dan program jangka panjang dalam bentun Pansimas untuk penyediaan air bersih kepada masyarakat.</p> Yen Mohan - Herniwanti Endang Purnawati Rahayu Copyright (c) 2021-10-04 2021-10-04 2 242 251 10.37859/sainstekes.v2i0.2905