Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 caused by the Coronavirus or SARS CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). Routine hematology and leukocyte count were simple examinations that can be performed in almost all health facilities that have clinical laboratories with hematology examination tools. The purpose of this study was to identify the Cellular Hematology of the patients with Confirmed Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19).
This study was a quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this study from patients with positive COVID-19 was taken from medical record data at the Hospital Bumiayu amounted to 59 respondents. The analytical test used Univariate and Bivariate (Chi-Square).
The results showed a mean age of 50.2 years with most sex 56% male, the mean cellular hematology results were as follows: Hb 13.5 g/dl; mean Leukocyte 7266.9/mm3; Erythrocytes 4.84 million/mm3; Platelets 243.995/mm3; Hematocrit 40.49 vol%; Basophils 0.34%; Eosinophils 0.64%; Neutrophils 73.24%; Lymphocytes 12.62%; Monocytes 3.84%; CRP 71.95 mg/dL with 18.6% mortality rate with comorbid DM 45.5% with 54.5% dying without comorbidities.
Conclusion: There was a relationship between age, gender and comorbidities, neutrophilia, lymphocytopenia, and high CRP with symptoms of Covid-19 with a p-value p<0.05. There wasn't a relationship between work history and death rate based on symptoms or severity of Covid-19.
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