• Nova Yulita Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
  • Nevi Susianty Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPAdanKesehatan, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau,
  • Sarah Fitria Jurusan Kebidanan, FMIPA, Universtas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru
Keywords: Knowledge, Colostrum


Colostrum (first milk) is yellowish breast milk that is produced in the first three days after giving birth. Should be given as early as possible after the baby is born. The benefit is that the digestion and absorption of breast milk in the baby's stomach and intestines takes place quickly and well, stopping bleeding in the mother because it can quickly restore the uterus. This type of research is descriptive, with a sample of 30 respondents and using accidental sampling technique, namely by chance. The data used is primary, namely data obtained directly from respondents' answers through questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using frequency distribution tables and cross tables. From the category The majority of respondents who have less knowledge are 18 respondents (60%), and a minority of good knowledge are 3 respondents (10%), and the majority of multipara respondents in parity who have less knowledge are 14 respondents (46.7%), and a knowledgeable minority good 3 respondents (10%), in multipara the majority of respondents with junior high school education who have less knowledge are 12 respondents (40%), and the minority has good knowledge of tertiary education 2 respondents (6.67%), and has sufficient knowledge of high school education, namely 5 respondents (16.7%), the majority of respondents based on Information Sources from Health Workers had less knowledge 10 respondents (33.3%), and the minority had good knowledge, namely 2 respondents (6.67%) sources from Print Media and Electronic Media, 1 respondent (3.33%), the majority of respondents based on household work have less knowledge, namely 16 respondents (53.3%), and a minority of good knowledge, namely 3 respondents (10%) in civil servants. From the results of the study, it is hoped that the researchers can provide counseling to pregnant women about the benefits of colostrum and want to give colostrum to newborns


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