• - Arfiyanti Departemen Biokimia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”Jakarta, Jalan RS.Fatmawati No.1 Pondok Labu Jakarta Selatan 1240,
Keywords: Chicken, Coockies, Fortified, Pregnancy, Stunting


Children with stunting have low IQ, educational performance, and verbal ability. It’s necessary to provide supplementary food with chicken meat cookies as government's supplementation program companion for pregnant women to improve nutritional status of pregnant women and prevent stunting. To obtain fortified cookie formulation with nutritional sources from macro and micronutrients as well as ligands, which are suitable for pregnant women needs in the second trimester. Supplementary food formulation for pregnant women begins with determining energy requirements. Energy contribution is provided by cookies +20% of the RDA for pregnant women. Cookies formulation consisted of making tempeh, green beans, bananas, and chicken meat flour, followed by a composite flour formulation using RSM mixture design optimal using Design Expert 7.0 trial software (DX 7 trial). Chicken meat cookies formula was analyzed chemically, physically, microbiologically and organoleptically in the second trimester of pregnant women. Cookies meet the microbiological requirements of BPOM. Organoleptic test, 66.7% of pregnant women in the second trimester, like cookies. Composition of folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B12, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, protein, energy, fulfills RDA of pregnant women in the second trimester. The presence of ligands in cookies can overcome interactions between micronutrients. Cookies in accordance with SNI-2891-1992,BUTIR1,2. because it is round, has color, taste and aroma resembling cookies in general. Chicken meat cookies are safe to use as supplementary food for pregnant women accompanying the government supplementation program.


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