Journal of Software Engineering and Information System (SEIS) <p>Journal of Software Engineering and Information Systems (SEIS) merupakan sarana bagi peneliti dibidang rekayasa perangkat lunak dan sistem informasi dalam mem-publish hasil penelitiannya. lingkup jurnal SEIS adalah:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Artificial Intelligence</li> <li class="show">E-Bussiness</li> <li class="show">IT Governance</li> <li class="show">Database System</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p><strong>Copyright Notice</strong></p> <p>An author who publishes in the Journal of Software Engineering and Information System (SEIS) agrees to the following terms:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Author retains the copyright and grants the journal the right of first publication of the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons&nbsp;Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal</li> <li class="show">Author is able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book) with the acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Author is &nbsp;permitted and encouraged to post his/her &nbsp;work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of the published work (See&nbsp;<a href="">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ul> <p>Read more about the Creative Commons&nbsp;Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence here:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> (Rizka Hafsari) (Edo Arribe) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 IMPLEMENTASI METODE COCOSO PADA SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN HOTEL DI KABUPATEN BULELENG <p><em>The Buleleng Regency, located in North Bali, is a strategic and attractive area for tourists. The combination of natural beauty, art, and culture has attracted many tourists, for recreational, business, and other purposes, making tourists plan to stay comfortably in the Buleleng Regency. However, with numerous hotel choices, tourists often find it confusing to select and find a hotel that suits their needs. To address this issue, this research provides a solution using a Decision Support System. The method chosen is the Combined Compromise Solution. There are 6 criteria that form the basis for assigning criteria weights: rental price, distance from the city center, star rating, overall rating, facilities &amp; services, tourist area rating, and parking conditions. With 7 hotel alternatives in this study, the New Sunari Lovina hotel emerges as the best recommendation for tourists, with a preference score reaching 2.2999, followed by Banyualit Spa &amp; Resort Lovina and Singaraja Hotel as the next recommendations.</em></p> Ida Bagus Ketut Sandhisutra, Desak Putu Eka Komala Dewi, Ni Luh Gede Putri Desta Parwathi, Gede Surya Mahendra, Ni Made Mila Rosa Desmayani Copyright (c) 2024 Sandhisutra Ida Bagus Ketut, Dewi Desak Putu Eka Komala, Parwathi Ni Luh Gede Putri Desta, Gede Surya Mahendra, Desmayani Ni Made Mila Rosa Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:08:06 +0700 VISUALISASI DATA LOKASI RAWAN BENCANA DI JAWA TENGAH MENGGUNAKAN POWER BI <p><em>The Central Java Province, as a disaster-prone region, faces risks due to both natural and human factors. Low awareness of disaster risks and insufficient mitigation efforts worsen the situation. This research utilizes Power BI to visualize disaster data, contributing to the understanding of risks. A quantitative method is employed with a focus on data analysis, collected from the Indonesian Disaster Risk Index. The data blending and cleaning phase ensure dataset quality and relevance before implementation into Power BI. An interactive dashboard is created with graphics such as tables, bar charts, and donut charts. Evaluation and analysis of the results are conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the visualizations. The findings indicate that forest fires are the most dominant disaster, followed by floods and landslides. Volcanic eruptions have the lowest frequency. Recommendations include enhancing preparedness for forest fires, in-depth analysis of disaster causative factors, periodic data updates, and improved collaboration among stakeholders.</em></p> Muh Kevin Adesyahputra, Ricky Febrianto, Muhammad Nanang Khilmi Wibowo, Titis Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Kevin Adesyahputra, Ricky Febrianto, Muhammad Nanang Khilmi Wibowo, Titis Handayani Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:16:19 +0700 IMPLEMENTASI METODE WEIGHT PRODUCT UNTUK PENILAIAN KINERJA KARYAWAN DI PT. PERTAMINA GAS <p><em>In an office routine, recording employee data is an unavoidable necessity. This data collection has the main purpose of evaluating employee performance, thereby enabling appropriate rewards to be given as a means of increasing their motivation in carrying out their duties. To solve the problems that have been described, a decision support system is planned to be built by utilizing the WP algorithm. The purpose of using the WP algorithm, to provide decision-making support in choosing alternatives as a result of information processing with a decision-making model, and to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems. Employee performance assessment will be used as a basis for evaluation to improve overall performance. Employees who are successfully selected as having the best performance will be given a reward as a form of appreciation for their achievements. The results of the employee performance assessment are the employee named MULYOKO ranked as the best performance with a score of 0.096505 and the employee with the lowest performance score REVI with a score of 0.044987.</em></p> Bendra Wardana Copyright (c) 2024 Bendra Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:08:09 +0700 INOVASI EDUKASI: AUGMENTED REALITY UNTUK TATALAKSANA JENAZAH DALAM KONTEKS ISLAM <p><em>This research successfully addresses the complexity of handling corpses within an Islamic framework through the application of educational innovations using Augmented reality (AR) technology. The AR Jenazah application was developed with a focus on increasing understanding and skills in corpse handling procedures, which are in accordance with religious teachings and ethical norms. The results of black box testing showed the reliability of the application's functionality and presentation, while beta testing with the participation of 20 general public respondents gave positive conclusions on user interest, teaching, ease of use, and application performance. This research makes an important contribution to the development of a modern educational approach in understanding and implementing corpse handling procedures in an Islamic context. The AR Jenazah application was not only technically successful, but also achieved positive user acceptance, signalling its potential positive influence in improving the quality of learning and practice of corpse handling. Suggestions for development involve expansion of educational content, expert and user engagement, adoption to other platforms, evaluation of long-term impact, development of interactive features, multi-language versions, and collaboration with educational and religious institutions. These improvements are expected to strengthen the educational value of the app and expand its positive impact in the wider community.</em></p> Maskuri Resiasa, Mitra Unik Copyright (c) 2024 Maskuri Resiasa, Mitra Unik Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:56:25 +0700 Implementasi Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah Barang Milik Daerah (Simda Bmd) Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 dengan Domain MEA 01 Pada Badan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah PPU <p><em>Dalam mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik efektif dan efisien tentunya membutuhkan suatu sistem informasi&nbsp; dan juga teknologi informasi yang mendukung, untuk itu Pemerintah Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara telah memenuhi langkah dan tahap pertahap melaluinya, pada kesempatan kali ini melalui penelitian yang kami lakukan pada Badan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah yang mana diketahui memiliki sebuah sistem dari beberapa yang dipakai di dalam menata laporan keluar masuknya keuangan maupun Aset yang digunakan untuk pelayanan.&nbsp; yaitu SIMDA Keuangan, SIPKD, SIPD&nbsp; dan SIMDA BMD. Namun dari beberapa sistem tersebut kami tertarik untuk melakukan kajian atau penelitian yang bertujuan apakah sistem tersebut berjalan dengan baik ,tertata dengan baik dan memang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini kami fokuskan kepada sebuah aplikasi yaitu SIMDA BMD&nbsp; untuk mengetahui seberapa tingkat Capability aplikasi tersebut, dengan&nbsp; metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan evaluatif de&nbsp; Purposive Sampling, teknik yang kami pakai adalah wawancara, observasi, kuesioner dan data&nbsp; yang kami gunakan data primer dan sekunder sebagai pendukung, Hardware yang kami gunakan sebuah Laptop ,Handphone Pribadi, sedangkan Software yang kami gunakan dalam pengolahan data adalah Excel Online yaitu bawaan dari Google Sheet, sedangkan dukungan lainnya berupa jaringan internet, Web Google Scholar yang kami gunakan sebagai referensi untuk memperoleh bahan dan juga rujukan yang dapat membantu kami dalam penyusunan penelitian&nbsp; yang lakukan. Framework yang kami gunakan dalam penelitian adalah COBIT 5 dengan pemilihan domain MEA khususnya MEA 01. Dalam penelitian kami melakukan perhitungan yang dihasilkan dari 40 responden dengan 5 pertanyaan yang dibagi berdasarkan tanggung jawab pekerjaan 4 diantara berasal yang memiliki kewenangan terhadap aplikasi SIMDA BMD tersebut dan 36 sisanya sebagai pengguna atau yang tidak memiliki kewenangan. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari pertanyaan pertama, apakah </em><em>Instansi telah memiliki sistem pengawasan terhadap proses sistem SIMDA BMD dengan tingkat capability 4 dari target yang ingin dicapai 5 sehingga terdapat gab =1 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan nilai tersebut dapat dinyatakan dalam kondisi manage and measurable,</em><em>dari pertanyaan kedua, apakah </em><em>pemantauan terhadap proses sistem SIMDA BMD dilakukan secara independen dengan tingkat capability 4 dari target yang ingin dicapai 5 sehingga terdapat gab =1 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan nilai tersebut dapat dinyatakan dalam kondisi manage and measurable,d</em><em>ari pertanyaan ketiga, apakah </em><em>Tersedianya laporan data SIMDA BMD yang akurat dan tepat waktu&nbsp; dengan tingkat capability 3,90 dari target yang ingin dicapai 5 sehingga terdapat gab =1.10 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan nilai tersebut dapat dinyatakan dalam kondisi manage and measurable,d</em><em>ari pertanyaan kelima, apakah </em><em>Pengelolaan Permintaan Layanan dan Insiden dengan tingkat capability 4 dari target yang ingin dicapai 5 sehingga terdapat gab =0 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan nilai tersebut dapat dinyatakan dalam kondisi optimize, berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat dirata-ratakan bahwa kondisi dari 5 pertanyaan tersebut adalah manage measurable.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> hamsah hamsah Copyright (c) 2024 hamsah hamsah Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APLIKASI GAME EDUKASI BELAJAR MENGHAFAL AYAT-AYAT PENDEK BERBASIS ANDROID MENGGUNAKAN METODE INTERPOLATION SEARCH (STUDI KASUS : TK SULAMUL ULUM) <p><em>This research produces output in the form of android-based educational games that can be used in early childhood learning. The results of testing on students illustrate that games can motivate students in learning, especially the introduction of short verses. The interpolation search method helps users search for short verses to be learned.</em></p> Roki Hardianto Copyright (c) 2024 Roki Hardianto Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI INVENTORY PADA TOKO INDAH BARU <p><em>Toko Indah Baru is a store specializing in various plastic goods for the industrial sector. The store caters to both small and large purchases. However, in its current business process, Toko Indah Baru still relies on manual systems, which have several drawbacks. One of them is the conventional method of recording goods and manually storing data using Microsoft Excel. To address these issues, a design and development of a web-based Inventory Information System application is proposed for Toko Indah Baru. The development methodology chosen for this project is the SDLC model waterfall.</em> <em>The proposed system aims to streamline inventory management processes, improve accuracy in recording and tracking goods, and enhance overall operational efficiency for Toko Indah Baru. By transitioning from manual methods to an automated web-based system, the store can expect to see significant improvements in inventory control and data management</em>.</p> Aryanto, Setiawan Ardi wijaya, Dimas Silpandi, ananda saskia, Hansen Mihardi, Wiyrabawa Kainna Putra Rachman Copyright (c) 2024 ananda saskia, Dimas Silpandi, Aryanto, Setiawan Ardi wijaya, Hansen Mihardi, Wiyrabawa Kainna Putra Rachman Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700