Prosiding CELSciTech <p>Jurnal CELSciTech merupakan merupakan kumpulah artikel ilmiah dalam bidang-bidang ilmu Komunikasi, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Hukum, Sains dan Teknologi &nbsp;(Communication, Economic, Education, Law, Science, and Technology) yang kami sebut dengan singkatan&nbsp; <em><strong>CELSciTech. </strong></em>Artikel-artikel&nbsp;ilmiah yang diterbitkan dalam&nbsp;Prosiding&nbsp;<em><strong>CELSciTech</strong></em> telah melalui diseminasikan dalam seminar Nasional/Internasional yang diselengarakan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p>All material contained in this site is protected by law. It is prohibited to quote part or all of the contents of this website for commercial uses without the approval of the board of editors of this journal.</p> <p>If you find one or more articles contained in&nbsp;CELSciTech that violate or potentially infringe your copyright, please report to us, via email to Principle Contact.</p> <p>The formal legal aspect of access to any information and articles contained in this journal site refers to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).</p> <p>All information contained in&nbsp;CELSciTech is academic.&nbsp;CELSciTech is not responsible for any losses incurred by misuse of information from this site.</p> (Denny Astrie Anggraini) (Yeeri Badrun) Fri, 24 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Impact of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance <p>This study aims to determine and analyze the impact of leadership style, motivation and work environment on <br>employee performance of Senyum Media Stationery Jember. The population in this study were all employees at Senyum Media Stationery Jember, located at Jln. Kalimantan No. 07, namely 80 employees and will be involved as respondents in this study, so this research can be said to be a census research. The validity test and the reliability test were conducted to test the measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was used to recapitulate the respondent's description. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of the study show that the leadership style variable has a coefficient of -0.007, the work motivation variable has a regression coefficient value of 0.360, and the work environment variable has a regression coefficient value of 0.682. Hypothesis test results state that leadership style has no significant effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, work motivation and work environment have a significant effect on the performance of employees at Smile Media <br>Stationery in Jember.</p> Nurul Qomariah, Nursaid, Dian Eka Mardana , Pawestri Winahyu Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 The Influence of Informal Leadership Scholars to Encourage The Participation of Rural Communities for Economic Development <p>In the context of economic development must be tailored to the characteristics, as well as the background of the communities concerned, the understanding of the community of the village is actually a key to the success of rural development.&nbsp;Community development pastoral correctly that is not in conflict with the understanding of society, based on values and norms prevailing in the society.&nbsp;From the aspect of communicators development, Scholars in&nbsp;in a region, be a role model and a central figure who relatively has a great influence in mobilizing community participation.&nbsp;However during this time the role of the clergy in mediating the relationship between the government and the people as well as form a variety of public opinion less is maximized whereas the aspect of message construction, the use of a book the development of the economy by the role of non-formal cleric also has its own power.&nbsp;The population of this research is to include all large families in&nbsp;the village gogodalem kecamatan bringin kabupaten semarang, and the determination of the samples were taken by proportional random sampling with a total sample set 79 of the family.&nbsp;The analysis used to test the hypothesis using the formula Kendall's Tau (T) and Kendall W</p> Nanang Yusroni, Umar Chadhiq Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Determinants of Disclosure of Carbon Emissions in the Financial Statements of Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX for the Period 2018-2019 <p><strong>Abstract. Purpose: </strong>This study aims to find empirical evidence regarding the effect of Firm Size, Firm Age, Industry Type, Institutional Ownership Structure, Media Exposure, Leverage and Profitability on Disclosure of Carbon Emissions.</p> <p><strong>Design/Methodology/Approach</strong>: This study uses amounted to 27 companies regarding the effect of Company Size, Company Age, Type of Industry, Institutional Ownership Structure, Media Exposure, Leverage and Profitability on Disclosure of Carbon Emissions.</p> <p><strong>Findings:&nbsp; </strong>Based on the data analysis and discussion that has been carried out in the previous chapter, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) the firm size variable affects the disclosure of carbon emissions; 2) the age of the company has an effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions; 3) the industrial type variable has an effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions; 4)the firm size variable has an effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions; 5) the media exposure variable has an effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions; 6) the leverage variable has no effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions; and 7) the profitability variable has an effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions.</p> <p><strong>Theoretical contribution/Originality: </strong>This journal provides information that Can contribute to stockholder&nbsp; and government in Indonesia, especially for companies that influence the disclosure of carbon emissions</p> Nuraini, Zul Azmi, Misral Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Learning Circles to Accelerate 4CS <p>4CS acceleration is not fully supported by educators. As reported by several researchers, including; Not a few teachers in the practice of learning only present the material, and provide examples to students. As a result, the process of building knowledge is less successful, and there is a tendency for students to always be guided or given instructions, especially in solving problems. The main focus of this research is learning activities and efforts to improve learning. During the learning activities, the researcher was directly involved from the beginning to the end. In this case, the researcher acts as a planner, designer, implementer, data collector, data analyzer, and research reporter. By looking at the characteristics of this research, namely research starting from practical problems in the classroom, research through self-reflection, the focus of research is learning activities and aims to improve learning, then based on Lambas' statement above, the type of research that is by this research is classroom action research. Problem-solving process to accelerate 4CS can improve student learning outcomes. The stages of accelerating 4CS which involve mathematical processes include: identifying and justifying concepts, solving problems, generalizing and analyzing algorithms.</p> Buhaerah, Siri Dangnga Muhammad, Irmayani, Fatahuddin Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis Of Family Partnership With Education Units On The Establishment Of Education Ecosystems <p>Research aims: This research aims to evaluate the partnership between the family and the education unit towards the formation of an educational ecosystem at the National Kindergarten.</p> <p>Design/Methodology/Approach: The method used is descriptive qualitative method, namely by obtaining data naturally, including data collection using structured interviews and in-depth interviews, as well as documentation. Interviews were conducted with research sources, namely school principals, classroom teachers, members of the School Committee, parents of students, and the head of the Education Department at the Education Office in DKI Jakarta Province. In addition, the researchers also opened several documents related to research including the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 30 of 2017 and the Institutional Performance Report (LAKIP) of the Directorate of Family Education Guidance in 2018.</p> <p>Research findings:&nbsp; The results showed that the partnership between the Education unit and the parents of the students at the TK Negeri The national level has been running very well, even long before the Minister of Education and Culture No. 30 of 2017 which regulates the opposition to parental involvement in children's education in the education unit. Intensive communication aspects produce positive perceptions between the two parties as well as in building a harmonious relationship. Aspects of human resources implementing partnerships can collaborate very well, each line from the kindergarten element, namely principals, classroom teachers, subject teachers, other education staff, school committees, parents of students, even support from components of the Education office understand their roles and responsibilities each.</p> <p>Theoretical contribution/Originality:. The positive impact of implementing partnerships is that partnership programs or activities do not bother parents and schools, and the implementation of family partnerships will be able to create an educational ecosystem that can shape the character and culture of student achievement.</p> <p>Practitioner/Policy implication: (OPTIONAL)</p> <p>Research limitation/Implication: (OPTIONAL)</p> Ihsana El Khuluqo, Adi Irawan Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of Science Literacy Through E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Student of Health Sciences Faculty of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta <p>The role of students in facing the challenges of global education in the 21st century during the <br>Covid-19 pandemic must still be carried out properly. Students must be able to adapt and face the big impact <br>of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is the culture of scientific literacy through e-learning. Scientific <br>literacy is needed by students in solving problems related to lecture material and can increase their <br>knowledge. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to map the implementation of scientific <br>literacy through e-learning on campus. To obtain research data, researchers used 3 kinds of techniques, <br>namely interview techniques, questionnaires and documentation. Research results the implementation of <br>scientific literacy learning through e-Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic for students of Health Sciences <br>Faculty of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta has not run optimally so it is necessary to reflect and improve <br>when viewed from the planning, process and evaluation aspects. The main obstacle faced is the factor of <br>using e-learning methods and media during learning.</p> Septi Aprilia, Siti Shofiyatun, Nurdiyanti Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Validity And Practicality Of Infographic Teaching Media In The Basic Science Concepts Course <p>Based on the observations made by the researchers, the average UAS score for the Basic Science Concepts course in the 2019/2020 odd semester only reached 61.13 out of 46 students. There are as many as 13 students whose grades are below B. The low average value of the final semester examinations is due to the low understanding of students' concepts of lecture material. Learning media is a means to transfer knowledge from educators to students. Today's technological developments have an impact on improving the quality of human resource educators in making learning media, coupled with the demands of the current situation, namely the Covid-19 pandemic that was felt by Indonesia in early 2020, which has had an impact on massive technological needs. Digital learning media is something that must and must be mastered by educators. Based on the problems above, the researchers are interested in conducting development research with the title of developing infographic-based teaching media to improve students' understanding of concepts. The purpose of this research is to develop valid and practical infographic-based teaching media. The method used is research and development (Research and Development) borg and gall. This paper specifically discusses the quality of the developed infographic media. Quantitative description is an analysis of the data used. The results of this study are: 1) the resulting infographic media has a very valid category, 2) the resulting infographic media has a very practical category.</p> Desy Eka Muliani Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Completion of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a Member of the Nagari Adat Density Pangkalan Pangkalan Koto Baru District, Fifty Cities District <p>The background of this research is the circulation of the minutes of the formation of the Nagari Pangkalan customary density management on August 23, 2020 for the period from 2020 to 2025, which has become a polemic with many questions about this. The first is the position of chairman of the Nagari Customary Density which is held by Jhoni Himbiar Naim Dt Sibijayo. In the internal body of the Dt Sibijayo tribe there are divisions, Dt Sibijayo is recognized by the tribal nephews as two people. That means there is another Dt Sibijayo besides Jhoni Himbiar. Which Niniak mamak is recognized? Of course this is the question in this research. Niniak Mamak is a person who is appointed as a traditional commander by a tribe/tribe in a Nagari. On the other hand, based on West Sumatra Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari in article 6 states that in every Nagari a Nagari Customary Density is formed as the highest deliberation institution in the administration of Nagari Government . This research method is the type of this research is a sociological legal research .</p> <p>The results of this study are the Completion of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a member of the Nagari Adat Density, the base of the sub-district of Pangkalan Koto Baru, the district of fifty cities based on the Regional Regulation of the Province of West Sumatra Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari in practice is not implemented, due to the fact that the Nagari Pangkalan Customary Court has not been established. , two niniak mamak stated that they were legitimate niniak mamak from the clan, the lack of understanding of Niniak Mamak Nagari about Adat . Furthermore, efforts to overcome it are in the Settlement of Customary Law Recognition of Niniak Mamak as a member of the Nagari Customary Density, the base of the sub-district of the new Koto Baru district, fifty cities based on the regional regulation of the Province of West Sumatra Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari . The Nagari Adat Density of Pangkalan should have formed the Nagari Customary Court, the position of niniak mamak should not be up for grabs because this is the burden borne by the niniak mamak in West Sumatra is very large, traditional leaders</p> Robert Libra, SH, MH & Zulkarnaen Noerdin, SH, MH Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Sat, 08 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of PT Asia Forestama Raya's CSR on Community Economic Empowerment During The Covid-19 Pandemic <p>PT Asia Forestama Raya is a forest product processing factory for the wood industry's raw materials. Based on Article 74 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, it is stipulated that companies that carry out their business activities in the natural resources sector and / or fields related to natural resources are required to implement CSR. In Article 10 of Riau Provincial Regulation Number 6 of 2012 concerning Corporate Social Responsibility in Riau Province, it is stated that CSR programs can take the form of community economic empowerment. This research aims to explain the implementation of PT Asia Forestama Raya's CSR on community economic empowerment during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is socio-legal research. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the public really expected a real contribution from PT Asia Forestama Raya. PT Asia Forestama Raya's obstacle in implementing community economic empowerment in Limbungan Village is that the financial condition of PT Asia Forestama Raya is currently in an unstable state. Efforts that can be made by the people of Limbungan Village if PT Asia Forestama Raya doesn’t carry out a CSR program are to convey their aspirations to Commission IV of DPRD Pekanbaru City. Based on Article 32 of Riau Provincial Regulation Number 6 of 2012 concerning Corporate Social Responsibility in Riau Province, it is stated that if PT Asia Forestama Raya doesn’t carry out CSR towards empowering the community's economy, the company can be subject to administrative sanctions by the Pekanbaru City Government.</p> Andrew Shandy Utama, Hasnati, Sandra Dewi Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Fri, 24 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Utilization ff Chicken Bone Waste and Tapioka Flour as An Environmentally Friendly Edible Film <p>Making edibel films from gelatin of chicken bones with the addition of various starches is very important for Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim. This is related to Islamic Sharia law which obliges followers to consume something that is clearly halal. Gelatin made from chicken bones is guaranteed to be halal. The purpose of this study was to determine how the extraction process of chicken bone waste with acid solvent, to know the process of making edible films and to find out how to characterize chicken bone edible films. This research was started by mixing the extracted chicken bones as much as 5 g, glycerol 40 % v/w, and starch concentration (0 %, 5 %, 10 %, and 15 % w/v) with distilled water and then heating it at 50 <sup>o</sup>C. at a speed of 1500 rpm, then printed on a petri dish with a diameter of 15 cm, then dried for 24 hours. then performed the tensile strength test, elongation, thickness test, water resistance, water vapor transmission rate and degredation test. The next stage is characterization of edible films using FTIR, XRD, TGA and SEM. The extraction process of chicken bones used 5 % HCl, the resulting yield was 8.22172 %, pH 6.0, 8 % moisture content, ash content was 0.945 %, in thickness testing the greater the starch concentration added, the greater the thickness of the edible film produced. The results of tensile strength in this study decreased in concentration with the increasing number of starch additions for elongation, which increased with the addition of starch. For the WVTR test that is included in the standard is a concentration of 0 and 15 %, for the water resistance test everything is included in the standard. FTIR results of chicken bones with starch variations and the addition of glycerol as a plasticizer have functional groups N-H, O-H, C-O, C = O, C-H, C-N. Edible films without the addition of starch were completely degraded in 30 days.</p> Sri Hilma Siregar, Aulia Rizki Ramadhanti Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Collaborative e-learning Vocational Schools <p>For many vocational schools, online learning is still new. Compare this with traditional classrooms that are still widely used. E-learning requires multiple participating schools, teachers, students, and parents. When moving to an e-learning environment, teaching methods and team configurations must change. Therefore, collaboration is a critical component of creating high-quality e-learning. This study first described the problems found in vocational high school (SMK). This article discusses the details of authoring tools and describes the e-learning model and e-learning environment used. This research aims to encourage people to have a deeper understanding of the scope of e-learning and the roles and collaborative activities required for e-learning</p> Didi Kurnaedi, Setyawan Widyarto, Saliyah Kahar Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0700 Prediction of Student Graduation Using Decision Tree Method <p>Students are one of the important parameters in the evaluation of study programs. Student attendance, student achievements, and graduation profiles must receive serious attention. More and more students are accepted every year, but not a few are able to complete their studies on time. Predictions for the current graduation rate are needed, considering the number of students experiencing delays is assessed to have reached 92%. Based on the data studied, there were 25 students in one class, only 2 students who graduated on time were confirmed to be late. To make this prediction, the writer uses Decision Tree. Testing student graduation using validation data as many as 110 lines of data, consisting of regular students A and regular B. There are 50 students graduating on time and 60 students graduating late. Then the technique of balancing the number of classes on the data is carried out, namely the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), so that the number of validation data increases to 120 rows of data. This test resulted in a score of 96.67%, 96.67% precision, 96.67% recall, and 96.67% f1-score. Based on the ROC curve, the evaluation results that have been achieved in predicting future student graduation using the Decision Tree method, including a very good classification.</p> Januar Al-Amien, Harun Mukhtar, Fitra Dewi Copyright (c) 2021 Prosiding CELSciTech Wed, 29 Dec 2021 15:11:01 +0700