Validity And Practicality Of Infographic Teaching Media In The Basic Science Concepts Course

  • Desy Eka Muliani
Keywords: Infographic, learning media, Canva, Science


Based on the observations made by the researchers, the average UAS score for the Basic Science Concepts course in the 2019/2020 odd semester only reached 61.13 out of 46 students. There are as many as 13 students whose grades are below B. The low average value of the final semester examinations is due to the low understanding of students' concepts of lecture material. Learning media is a means to transfer knowledge from educators to students. Today's technological developments have an impact on improving the quality of human resource educators in making learning media, coupled with the demands of the current situation, namely the Covid-19 pandemic that was felt by Indonesia in early 2020, which has had an impact on massive technological needs. Digital learning media is something that must and must be mastered by educators. Based on the problems above, the researchers are interested in conducting development research with the title of developing infographic-based teaching media to improve students' understanding of concepts. The purpose of this research is to develop valid and practical infographic-based teaching media. The method used is research and development (Research and Development) borg and gall. This paper specifically discusses the quality of the developed infographic media. Quantitative description is an analysis of the data used. The results of this study are: 1) the resulting infographic media has a very valid category, 2) the resulting infographic media has a very practical category.


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