The Determinant Factors In The Implementations Of The Virtual Office Administration (siMAYA) System In The Secretariat Of West Sumatera Province

  • M Vaguita Prodi Magister Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Padang


Abstract. The Maya Office Administration (siMAYA)System is a system application
that is connected to the network and can be accessed by all users with coverage: external
communication systems, internal communications, dispositions, and letter-making with
templates, the forms are equipped with workflows for incoming letters, dispositions,
and outgoing mail. SiMAYA application has been planned to be implemented at the
Secretariat of the Province of West Sumatra, but of course there are still many possible
constraints such as lack of human resources, limited facilities and infrastructure and
others. The purpose of this study is to see what factors are involved in implementing
the SiMAYA application at the Secretariat of the Province of West Sumatra.This study
was a qualitative research using descriptive methods. The informants in this study were
determined by purposive sampling technique. The witer collected this data by
observing, documenting studies, interview quiddelines an field notes. The technique of
testing the validity of the data by triangulation while the data analysis technique used
was data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The
results showed that there are factors in the implementation of the Maya Office
Administration (siMAYA)Systemincluding (1) lack of quality human resources, (2)
inadequate technology, and (3) unclear relations.


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