Focus and Scope
Muhammadiyah Riau Accounting & Business Journal (MRABJ) is a media of communication and reply forum for scientific works especially concerning the field of the accounting and business studies of developing countries. The manuscript was written for Muhammadiyah Riau Accounting & Business Journal (MRABJ) should be in Bahasa Indonesia or English and should be an original research paper either theoretically or empirically which sufficiently contributes novelty to accounting and business literature. MRABJ focuses related on various themes, topics, and aspects of accounting and business, including (but not limited) to the following topics:
Accounting and Finance
- Accounting Information System
- Management Accounting
- Public Sector Accounting
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Accounting
- Syariah Accounting
- Capital Market
- Auditing
- Finance
Business and Management
- Human resource management
- Marketing management
- Financial management
- Strategic management
- Knowledge management
- Sustainability management
- Corporate social responsibility