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Keywords: Reasoning Profile, Problem Posing, Cognitive Style


 This research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach that was aimed to describe the reasoning of junior high school  students’ on problem posing viewed from visualizer and verbalizer cognitive style. The subject of this research was consist of two students of the second grade students at MTs Budi Dharma Surabaya with cognitive style verbalizer and visualizer. The instrument used in this research was a cognitive style test, problem posing test, and interview guidelines. Data was analyzed based on the reasoning activity which appears at the time of problem posing.

Based on the results of research showing the differences in reasoning of junior high school  students’ on algebra problem posing viewed from visualizer and verbalizer cognitive style.  When solving problems, verbaliser students know three methods while visualiser students only know two methods of problem solving. In addition, creating new problems, verbaliser students also have more strategies than visualiser students who only discuss problems by rearranging elements of the original problem structure with some change.


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