The application of the problem based introduction model assisted by Bertis cards improves critical thinking of material balance and rotational dynamics

  • Nicolas Jefry Presanov -
Keywords: Problem based introduction model, critical thinking, application, balance and rotational dynamics


The purpose of this study is to see whether applying a problem based introduction learning model assisted by a Bertis card can improve critical thinking and how improvements occur in that class. Then see the difference in an increase in critical thinking in the experimental class with a model based on introduction assisted by Bertis cards compared with the control class with the treatment of the problem based introduction model only. The research method used was a quasi-experimental research method. The study population this time was students of  SMAN 1 Pabuaran Serang. The results obtained are an increase in critical thinking in the experimental class can be quite good, seen from the N-gain value of  0.31 in the medium category. Besides that the experimental class was better in improving critical thinking than the control class. Judging from t arithmetic greater than than t table from the t test that has been done reveals that the increase in critical thinking in the experimental class is better than the control class.


Keywords: Problem based introduction model, critical thinking, balance and rotational dynamics, application.


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