The Effect of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Financing (Npf), Profitability and Operational Cost of Operational Income (Bopo) on the Mudharabah Financing of Sharia Commercial Banks In Indonesia

  • Deby Siska Oktavia Pasaribu
  • Irfan
  • Maya Sari


This study aims to (1) Test and analyze the
effect of FDR on Mudharabah financing. (2) Test and
analyze the effect of NPF on Mudharabah financing. (3)
Test and analyze the effect of ROA on Mudharabah
financing. (4) Test and analyze the effect of BOPO on
Mudharabah financing. (5) Test and analyze FDR, NPF,
ROA, BOPOon Mudharabah financing. The sampling
technique used was purposive sampling. In this research
it was bbtained a sample of 10 Sharia Commercial
Banks in Indonesia. The data analysis technique used
was multiple linear regression while the hypothesis
testing used was t-statistics to test the partial regression
coefficients and F statistics. In addition, classic
assumption tests were also performed which include
normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity
test and autocorrelation test. The results of this study
indicate that (1) FDR variable has no effect on
Mudharabah financing. (2) NPF variable has no effect
on Mudharabah financing. (3) ROA variable influences
on Mudharabah financing. (4) BOPO variable
influences Mudharabah financing. (5) Variable FDR,
NPF, ROA, and BOPO simultaneously influence
Mudharabah financing variables.


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