Potential Of Endophytic Fungi Isolates From Vetiver (Vetiveriazizanioides Linn) As A Biolarvacide for Aedesaegypti L.

  • Novia Gesriantuti Dept. of Biology, Muhammadiyah University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Israwati Harahap Dept. of Biology, Muhammadiyah University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia


Abstract. Control of vector that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is
still reliable because until now there has not been found a cure for DHF. The
existence of negative impacts resulting from the use of chemical pesticides
causes the need to find alternatives to larvacides that are more environmentally
friendly. Larvacides that have been developed are utilizing biological larvacides
(biolarvacides). One organism that has potential as a larvacide is endophytic
fungi. This is based on the probability that the endophytic fungi that remain in
plants have the ability to synthesize the same compounds as the host plant.
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the potential of
secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi isolates from vetiver (V. zizaniodes)
as biolarvacidesfor Aedesaegypti. Secondary metabolites were extracted from
pure endophytic fungi isolates (IH 8, IH 19 and IH 21). Larvicidal potential test
against A. aegypti was carried out with a Completely Randomized Design with
3 replications. The concentrations of the crude extracts of secondary metabolites
used were 2%, 4%, 8% and 16% and 0% as controls. Then the percentage of
larvae, pupae and adult that died in each treatment was calculated. Observations
were done for 8 days. The results showed that secondary metabolites of the three
isolates have the potential to cause biolarvacidal for A. aegypti. The results
showed that secondary metabolites of the 3 isolates had the potential as
biolarvacides for A. aegypti. The effects include accelerating the development
of larvae into pupae, causing pupae death, death of young adults and abnormal
adults. The treatment with IH 08 and IH 21at a concentration of 8% and 16%,
larvae death has begun to occur on the first day.


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