Managing Lecturers’ Competence Development at Universitas Kristen Indonesia

  • Bernadetha Nadeak
  • Lamhot Naibaho


This article is about the management of
lecturers’ competence development. It was conducted at
Universitas Kristen Indonesia. This article was a qualitative
research which is developed by using library study, where, in
finding out the management of lecturers' competence
development is, books, journals and other documents related
to the topics used as the source information on this article.
The results were; a) in developing lecturers' competency
development programs used environmental analysis
consisting of internal environment analysis and external
environment analysis; b) formulation of strategies for the
development of lecturer's professional and pedagogical
competence as an effort in improving the learning quality by
forming teams, formulating strategic plans, and
disseminating information; c) activities carried out in
planning the development of lecturer competencies as an
effort as an effort in improving the learning quality at UKI;
d) activities carried out in the implementation of the
development of lecturer and professional-pedagogical
competencies as an effort to improve the quality of learning
are based on plans from institutions, faculties, study
programs, and also at the initiative of the lecturers
themselves; e) supervision activities from the results of the
development of pedagogical competencies and professional
competencies of lecturers in both universities are almost the
same, and f) activities carried out in the assessment of the
development of pedagogical and professional competence of
lecturers as an effort to improve the quality of learning in
UKI. It is concluded that the management of lecturers’
competence development will be better if UKI implements
these things.


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